Type of Network Topology

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 There are 5 different topologies, it is actually not just 5, but that is often used only 5.

1 .Topologi Star

Star topology is a form of network topology in the form of the convergence of the central node to each node or user. Network topologies including star network topology with high costs

the advantages:

  • Damage to the network will only affect the network and the hub is concerned.
  • Hold on a busy network traffic.
  • Have high levels of security.
  • Hub addition and subtraction can be done easily.
  • centralized access control
  • Easy to detect and correct errors / damage to the network management.
  • The most flexible

  • If the central node is destroyed, then the entire network will stop.
  • Wasteful in the use of cables.
  • HUB to be a critical element for the center of the network.
  • too important hub so that when there are problems with the hub, then the network will be down.
  • network depends on the central terminal.
  • if using a switch and data traffic can cause slow network solid.
  • network cost is more expensive than bus or ring
2 .Topologi Ring

In the ring topology, communication data can be compromised if a single point of disorder.

the advantages:
  • Saving Cables.
  • There would be a collision of data transmission, because at one time only one node can transmit data. 
  • Sensitive to errors, so if there is interference in a node resulted in disruption of the entire network.
  • Developing a network of more rigid
  •      Difficult to detect damage
  •      Two packets of data can occur mixed
  •      Required special handling and management of bandels
3 .Topologi Bus

Bus topology is the topology that is widely used in the use of cable spaksi mushroomed. By using the T-Connector (with a 50ohm terminator on the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other.

the advantages:  

  • development of a network or adding new workstations can be done easily without disturbing other workstations


  • when there are disturbances in the center of the cable along the entire network will be impaired.
 4 .Topologi Mesh

 Mesh topology is a form of connection between devices where each device is connected directly to other devices on the network. As a result, the mesh topology each device can communicate directly with the target device.


  • Relationship links dedicated to ensure the data is sent directly to the destination computer without having to go through another computer so it can more quickly because one link is used specifically to communicate with the destination computer Saj.
  • Robust properties, namely the event of disturbances in connection with computer A computer B because damage to the cable connection between A and B, then the disorder will not affect a computer's connection to other computers.
  • Privacy and security in mesh topology is more secure, because the communication that occurs between the two computers will not be accessible by other computers.
  • Facilitate the process of identifying problems in the event of damage to connections between computers.


  • Requires a lot of wiring and Port I / O. more and more computers on the mesh topology is needed more and more wired links and port I / O.
  • It is at once also indicate that the topology of this type * Because every computer must be connected directly to another computer then the installation and configuration becomes more difficult.
  • The number of cables used are also indicated a possible need for space in the room where the computers are located.
 5 .Topologi Tree

Tree topology is a combination of characteristics between Star and Topology Bus Topology. This topology consists of a collection of star topology are connected in a bus topology as the spine or backbone path. Computers connected to the hub, while the other hub connecting the backbone path.

  • Formation of a group can be required at all times. For example, an office can form a group consisting of terminal bookkeeping, and other groups formed for the sales terminal.

  • If the node is higher then not working, then another group who are below it eventually becomes ineffective.
Referensi :Wikipedia

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