Walktrought Talse Of Destiny

Diposkan oleh Unknown


Items to Find: Cloak, Green Gel x3, Apple, Dymlos, Orange Gel, Spectacles, F.
***** ** ****  Bottle, Melange Gel.

Enemies: Barbarian
*******  Petit Devil

Suggested Level: You're just starting the game, so Level 1.
********* *****

As the game begins, you find two guards talking to each other, complaining
about their jobs. They walk into the storeroom and find you, Stahn Aileron,
sleeping in the corner. Still half-asleep, they drag you to the Captain's
quarters, where the Captain demands to know if you're after "IT" which everyone
refers to in uppercase red letters. You'll soon find what they are talking
The Captain thinks you're after it, and the guards beat the crap out of you a
bit in an attempt to get you to talk. When you don't, they realize you are
mearly a stowaway on the Draconis, flying ship, and make you swab the outside
deck. As the guard brings you around the Draconis, remember where you are and
such, as you are going to have to navigate the huge ship before you know it.
Outside on the deck, you are swabbing it when the alarms sound. Enemies are
about to attack the ship in search of "IT". Enemies fly onto the deck and kill
the guard watching over you. You call out the enemies but realize you have no
weapon. That's when you run away and you get control of your character.

From where you are, continue to run down the stairs and take the door outside
to your left (if you continue down the next flight of stairs, there is an enemy
guarding that door there, so you can't go there yet). Once on the deck of the
Draconis, go left and up the stairs. You can't go left on the top deck, so take
the door back into the Draconis. Once back inside, a guard will get killed atop
a flight of stairs, and his dead body'll topple down the stairs. Talk to him
and he'll tell you to get the sword from the storeroom. So that's what "IT" is!
From here, Continue running right past the body that just fell down the stairs,
and search the body on the second stairway to get the Cloak from his dead body.
Equip the Cloak to increase your defense. Go back to the door to the left of
the stairs and go in. It's a bathroom. Enter the stall all the way to the
right, next to the occupied one with the soldier in it, and examine the toilet.
When it asks you to pick up what's there, press yes, and you'll get a Green
Gel, a healing item! Leave and go past the staircase to the right where you got
the Cloak. The door to the right won't open. Your passage right is blocked by
crates. To move them (push or pull) hold down the Circle Button while pushing
and pulling. Pnce the passage is clear, head right and you'll have three
options of where to go. First, go to the door straight ahead into some soldier
quarters. Go right and atop the wooden area. Search the fruit bowl there at
bottom to get an Apple. Then leave that room. (the soldier there is scared!) =)

From here, go down the stairs there straight across from the room you were just
in. Go all the way down the numerous sets of stairs to the first room you come
across. This, my friend, is the storeroom we are looking for. Enter this room
and the room will be all dark, but the corner where "IT" is will be
illuninated. Navigate the dark corridors to the sword and a short FMV of the
sword will take place once you get there. Now go and pick it up. Stahn will
refer to it as "junk" and that's when things get interesting. The Sword will
speak to Stahn, and refer to itself as Dymlos, born during the Ae'ther Wars in
the past. Stahn doesn't quite comprehend what's going on, but he takes the
sword and fights his first battle with it. He learns a spell, Fireball, soon
thereafter, as well. Leave the storeroom and from the outside, go left and past
the next door (it leads you back into the same storeroom). Fight the enemies
you come across, and pass by the dead guard, entering the door above. Go to the
treasure chest to get a Green Gel. Behind where the chest was, get the Oberol C
as well, then leave the room. Circle back around and go back upstairs. From
here, where you had three choices before, go up the stairs now to exercise all
three options. Fend off the enemies as they come at you (fight as many as you
can to up your experience!), and again, up here on the second floor, more
choices await you. head left down the corridor to the brown doors, and enter
them to get to the Captain's Quarters. Battle the enemies within and open the
two chests on either side of the room for a Green Gel and an Orange Gel! From
there, go left down the corridor to the next room. Enter that room to get a
Green Gel. Then leave that room, left to the next room, and open up the chest
there to get a Cape. Equip the Cape as your very first accessory (raising your
defense by 1), then, from here, circle around to the top of the corridor. There
is a door leading down into another room here. Enter it into a room full of
treasure chests. Open the four treasure chests here to get a Green Gel,
Spectacles, an F. Bottle, and a Melange Gel. Kill any enemies in here as well,
then leave the room.

Now, it's time to make our grand escape! From where you are, make your way back
to the deck you were swabbing when the enemies attacked, on the top of the
Draconis. Once there, a monster will slay a soldier and you will fight these
monsters. The soldier, dying, will tell you to escape, as the Draconis is about
to crash. Dymlos encourages you to get into the Escape Pod instead of staying
and fighting monsters, which will bring you to an inevitable death. Stahn runs
to the escape pod and escapes just as more swarms of enemies come for him. He
crashes into a snowy area by a lake, and the next part of our quest unfolds.


Items to Find: Green Gel, Auto Bow, Wood Shield, Life Bottle x2, Cloak, Melange
***** ** ****  Gel

Enemies: Piyo Bird, Frost Bunny, Beast Bear

Suggested Level: Stahn should be level 3 or so, Garr will be level 8 or so.
********* *****

As you crash into the Earth, you'll awaken in a log cabin. Wondering where you
are, Garr walks into the room and introduces himself, telling you that he found
your body in the woods near the house. After an explanation of why you were
there, Garr brings you back to Dymlos downstairs after you inquire about where
it is. He knows about Swordians (he has one himself, you'll see), and then
Garr's archery master, Master Alba, walks into the house. He introduces
himself, you thank him, then he asks Garr to go into the woods and look for his
granddaughter, Chelsea, as she has yet to come home. Stahn offers himself to
accompany Garr on the trip, and Alba accepts. You can now go explore.

First, explore the cabin to get some items. In the master bedroom on the top
floor, next to the bathroom, is a Green Gel inside a brown bag next to the bed.
Continue down the hall to where you were asleep and get the two treasure boxes
there to get an Auto Bow and a Wood Shield. Equip the Wood Shield on Stahn, he
can use it while Garr can't. Next to where Alba is, in the kitchen, is a Life
Bottle in a treasure chest. Retrieve it, then leave the cabin through the door
there. Save your game at the save point in front of the cabin, then leave the
area through the northern route. You can't leave through the south yet, Garr
won't let us. =)

From the path, first head left then down. Follow the path around and straight
left until you get to a patch with a treasure chest in the middle. Open the
chest to get a Life Bottle. Then go back right and immidiatly up. Keep taking
the path all the way up and at the top of the forest, you'll find none other
than Chelsea, the pink haired girl there. As a scene ensues, Garr expresses his
relief on finding her. Chelsea complains that she wasn't lost, she just lost
track of time. From there, Garr introduces Chelsea and Stahn, and Stahn
comments on her equisite manners for a 14 year old. =) Anyway, Chelsea then
joins your party. She's a master archer, so be careful! Now we can explore the
rest of this area and then head back to the cabin. Make sure to equip the Auto
Bow we got from the Cabin on Chelsea so she can show some skills. =) Now, from
where we are, head back down and take the second right into a little alcove.
Open the chest here to get a Cloak. Then navigate the path back to Alba's
cabin, and re-introduce grandfather and granddaughter. A scene will ensue,
Chelsea will try to put her foot down and not spoil the grandfather anymore,
but when he says that she's ganging up on him, she stops. Alba offers Garr and
Stahn a reward, but Garr declines. Instead, Alba gives Stahn a Melange Gel, and
they all re-enter the house. Stahn tells the two that he was planning to get to
Philandria from the Draconis, and Garr tells him that to get there, they'll
have to go to the border town of Janos first, to the southwest. Garr also tells
Alba that he'll be leaving for a while to go "home" and Chelsea gets a little
upset. =) When you're ready, head out of the cabin, save your game, and leave
the cabin area to the south.


Items to Find: Green Gel, Life Bottle, Cape
***** ** ****
Enemies: Piyo Bird, Frost Bunny, Beast Bear
Suggested Level: Regardless of Garr's level, Stahn should be level 5 before
********* *****  entering Janos. Garr's level doesn't matter, he'll be leaving
                 the party soon anyway. =)

When you're good and saved and ready to go, head south from the cabin. Take the
path south, then at the fork, take the northern path into the next area. This
is where your escape pod crashed, so it seems. North in this area is a treasure
chest with a Green Gel. Get the Green Gel, then head back south into the old
area. From here, head east and take the path all the way around until you're
heading west again. From here, when you get to a fork, take the northern route,
a short one, to a treasure chest containing a Life Bottle. Then, take the
southern route that you just bypassed. Go all the way down and swing around to
the treasure chest there to pick up another Cape, then swing back up and you
should be back on the main path. Take the path here to your west and then south
to a save point. Save your game, equip the second cape on Stahn to add more to
his defense (yes, you CAN put two Capes on him, the game lets you, even if it
is weird!) Then, if you're at least a level 4 character (Stahn, that is), enter
Janos. Otherwise, fight outside of town using that save point there as your
insurance. Then, enter town a little stronger, that way you won't have to level
up like crazy a little later on...


Items to Find: Nothing.
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 4
********* *****


Equipment Shop BORDERLINE

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Cape                 - 5 Gald

Equipment Shop BLIZZARD

Short Sword          - 20 Gald
Long Sword           - 40 Gald
Plain Rod            - 5 Gald
Cloak                - 6 Gald
L. Armor [Leather]   - 30 Gald
Wood Shield          - 25 Gald
L. Helmet [Leather]  - 20 Gald
Beret                - 10 Gald

Dream Space Inn      - 30 Gald (One Night)

Once inside Janos, Dymlos and Stahn have a short conversation, where Stahn asks
Dymlos why he didn't speak around Garr, and Dymlos tells him that he didn't
trust him because of the fact that he "knew" that Dymlos could talk. Anyway,
begin your time here by taking the time (as lengthy as it may take) to talk to
everyone in the town outside of any buildings, just to get them all out of the
way. Read carefully what they have to say, some things may be important, and of
course, it all furthers the storyline! Once you talk to everyone, you should
probably stock up on the following for Stahn: a Leather Helmet and some Leather
Armor. That should cost you a nice 50 Gald. Make sure to equip all of it after
you purchase it. Now, after you purchase those armor pieces and talk to
everyone in the town, start exploring the houses, going to the Inn last.
Finally, once you're at the Inn, procede to talk to everyone and work your way
upstairs to the very last room. Talk to the two children there, then the older
man, who tells you that he's lost his passport. Now that you know that, the
next person to go visit is a woman wandering by the southern passage of Janos.
Talk to her and she'll tell you how she always finds lost passports, and that
she actually just found one and brought it to the guard station (to her right)
just before. Now go into the guardstation and speak to the guard there who asks
you if it's yours, but you tell him no.

From here, head back to the Inn and again talk to the older man who lost his
passport. He thanks you and gives you 50 Gald, but then accuses you of being an
illegal alien or a criminal because you yourself don't have a passport! Before
you can defend yourself, however, he runs off. Shrug it off, soldier. =) Leave
the Inn, and as you leave, Dymlos tells you to use your brain, and challenges
your ethics by suggesting that you should have used that passport to leave
Janos, even if it was to the wrong way. As you walk outside, you'll bump into
Mary Argent, a character in trouble. Although Dymlos suggests otherwise, you
offer to help Mary at the snow-covered temple, as her friend there is caught in
a trap! But before you let Mary lead you to where you need to be, go back to
the weapon shop and buy Mary both a Leather Helmet and Wood Shield. Then, leave
Janos to the east, like you came in. If you didn't go to the Bar, do so now.
Talk to the Black Wings for a laugh or two. =) Anyway...

Take the path east and up, then east again. At the certain time, Mary will tell
you to go up and left. Do so. Then go up into a gap in the trees and you'll be
inside Snow Temple.


Items to Find: Saber, Channeling, Leather Helmet, Rapier, Green Gel, Flame Disc
***** ** ****

Enemies: Sprite, G. Slug, Orc Jelly

Suggested Level: 4
********* *****

As you enter the hidden Snow Temple, Mary tells you that this is the right
place. So head down and save your game at the save point in that little alcove
below, then go back up and head left. Go all the way down and follow the path
to the right to the treasure chest. Open it and get the Saber. Equip it on
Mary. Now, go back left and down. When you can't go down anymore, follow the
watery path left to the blue treasure chest. Open it to get Channeling.
Channeling is an accessory that you can sell for a lot of cash, but instead, if
you ever have a friend over and you have a need to play ToD, equip the
Channeling on the character your friend wants to control and he can control
that character in battle sequences, using the second controller! And there are
more Channelings in the game, so that you can use a Multi-Tap and have up to
four people controlling your party! It's kind of neat, really. So once you get
the Channeling, head all the way back up, and this time, at the intersection
where we first headed down, go up this time to the alcove with the star in it.

Examine the star and a door next to you will open. Enter the door. Head up,
then left, and grab the Leather Helmet out of the treasure chest as we go. Once
you grab that, head down, then procede down and into the next area. Now we're
in the temple itself. Head down the corridor, then hang a left to a main part
of the temple. We can now go up, down, or down and left. First, head down and
left. Take the path to the first door and enter it. Go up to the treasure chest
in this room to get the Rapier. It's weak, however, so don't equip it on
anyone. Run out of the room and then run right, then up, and left to the next
room, the same looking as the prior. Go inside and open the chest to get a
Green Gel. Then run out of the room. If you run up the corridor further, you'll
simply hit a dead end, so leave this alcove of the Temple, back to where I said
you had three choices. Now we have two.

We can't yet take the bottom path of the temple yet because Mary won't let us,
so shoot up to the top doorway of the temple and you'll be at the temple's
altar. Mary's friend is entrapped inside a floating, spinning orb atop the
alter. Mary introduces her friend as Rutee, and then the two get to work
getting her down. In the process, Stahn manages to get himself caught in a
similar orb, but Mary gets him down. Once the two manage to get Rutee down, the
three are about to leave when three soldiers, thieves, whatever, come and start
talking trash. After a few choice words and some threats, the battle begins.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B O S S   F I G H T   O N E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: 3 Soldiers

HP: 200      TP: 0     
EXP: 27      GALD: 27       LENS: 9
ITEMS WON: Life Bottle, Green Gel

This is technically your first boss fight. Although the fight is pretty easy
and such, you should use your magic on them to take them out quickly. Use the
Kick Attack with regularity and hit them a few times after you decend from the
attack. When they fall, that just means they are stunned, they won't get back
up, so don't worry. Once they are done, they will retreat in haste, and the
party will regroup.

- - - - - - - - - -

From here, Rutee and Mary both thank you and invite you to come back to Janos
with them. Rutee tells you that the exit to the Snow Temple is to the south, at
the door we couldn't go through before. Head down and hang a right first near
the bottom of the temple. Take the path to the door and enter this room. Open
the treasure chest to find the Flame, which is the Flame Disc. Once you get it,
equip it on Stahn if you'd like, then exit through that southern exit and then
you'll be back outside. Take the winding, but linear, snow path all the way to
the end, where you can go north or south. If you try and go north, Rutee will
tell you that it's the wrong way, so you have to go south. In the next area,
you'll be back in Janos and you'll have passports now to boot. Rutee and Mary
suggest going somewhere quiet to talk, so they decide to go to the bar.

After some talk, Rutee asks Stahn to see his sword, then she reveals that she
too has a Swordian, the only female one in the game, Atwight. Dymlos and
Atwight speak, then Atwight tells Stahn that he isn't chosen, it's just that
his brainwaves are on the same level as Dymlos, so he can hear him. Dymlos
defends himself by telling Stahn that he truly does have ability, in anycase.
Rutee leaves to get you all rooms at the Inn, then after a bit, she comes back,
and you all go to bed. When they manage to wake you up in the morning, the next
leg of our journey begins.


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: G. Bee, Snake, Owl

Suggested Level: 6
********* *****

First thing is first. Before you leave Janos, you'll want to stop by the
equipment store and purchase four Capes. Equip two of each on Rutee and Mary to
raise their defense 2 each, which helps, trust me. Also, head to the Weapon
store at the north of town and buy a Beret for Rutee. Make sure to equip it.
Now that we're all set, equipped, and healed, it's time to leave Janos. Go
through the north entrance/exit of the town and shoot straight up the snowy
path out of the northern exit of the woods.

Now that you're on the world map for the first time, get your bearings, then
save your game. Remember, you can save anywhere while on the world map, so save
often. Now, head north out of the snowy area and to the green grassy area. As
you head north, bear to your left, going west. Cross the bridge to your north,
then hang west and go into the town of Harmentz.


Items to Find: Life Bottle
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 6
********* *****


Equipment Shop SONG BIRD

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
L. Cape [Leather]    - 50 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald


Short Sword          - 20 Gald
Long Sword           - 40 Gald
Rapier               - 90 Gald
Saber                - 120 Gald
Hand Axe             - 160 Gald
Gem Rod              - 240 Gald
Wood Shield          - 25 Gald
Leather Helmet       - 20 Gald
Beret                - 10 Gald
Leather Glove        - 12 Gald

Peace of Mind Inn    - Initially free, then you pay

Your first order of business in Harmentz should be to return the Old Cane to
Walt. Head all the way to the back of the village, taking the winding path to
the large mansion there. Enter Walt's mansion and go right. When you approach
the stairway, a bodyguard of Walt's will intervene. After he smacks the crap
out of Stahn, Rutee tells him what they're here for, and he'll let you though.
Go upstairs and go to the room with the blue haired man sitting on a couch.
That's Walt, the man we're looking for.

Rutee hands the cane over to Walt and in return, Walt gives you 5,000 Gald from
his stash. Rutee, being the greedy one she is, goes to his stash and steals
5,000 Gald more. Walt gets insulted, saying he was going to bring you all out
to dinner and made reservations at the Inn for you. He tells you all to leave
and never come back. Stahn thinks it's wrong, but Rutee doesn't care. We're now
free to explore the town. Talk to everyone in Walt's mansion to get some
information, then head to the Equipment shop at the south of town. First,
purchase six Leather Capes, and equip two of each on each character to boost
defense. Sell your Lens if you'd like, then talk to the Weapon shop clerk. Buy
three Leather Gloves, and equip one each on each character for another defense
boost. Also, purchase a Hand Axe for Mary, and make sure to equip it! Leave the
shop, and make sure you've gone to every house and talked to everyone. Now,
navigate through some small pasageways to a small area in the southeast of
town. A boy dressed in a gray outfit will be hiding here. Talk to him and he'll
give you a Life Bottle so you don't tell anyone he's hiding there! Once you've
done all of this, head to the Inn. The clerk says they are booked, but Rutee
tells him that they have reservations in Walt's name. The clerk verifies this
and even tells you that it's pre-paid. You'll automatically be whisked away to
your room.

In the morning, you'll woken up by Rutee and Mary. When they tell you they want
to go to Armedia, agree, and then start to leave the Inn. When you get
downstairs in the Inn, guards will be interrogating the Inn's clerk, and the
Clerk tells them that you three are staying here. Those are the three guards we
beat up in the Snow Temple! They surround you, but Rutee and the bunch run away
after they identify themselves as soldiers of Seinegald, and that they were
guarding the temple for the Kingdom. They want to bring you back to the Castle
for questioning! As you run outside, there are more soldiers that surround you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B O S S   F I G H T   T W O
 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: 8 Soldiers

HP: 72       TP: 0     
EXP: 72      GALD: 160      LENS: 24

Your second boss fight is also against soldiers. Instead of three of them
however, there are now eight! Four of them will be on each side. Run towards
the right side while mary and Rutee stay back, heal, and take care of some
soldiers on the other side. Use the Kick Attack regularly, combined with the
Missile Sword and a few regular swipes of your weapon. The soldiers on the
right will quickly fall if you are relentless with your attacks. Once they are
fallen, run to the left side and take care of any soldiers Rutee and Mary
didn't kill, which should be two or three. Once they are dead, you win the
battle! But it isn't over...

- - - - - - - - - -

After your victory, the soldiers are embarassed and the commander yells at them
to get up. All of a sudden, "Sir Leon" comes into the picture. He tells you
three to surrender or pay the price. Rutee insults him because he's young, and
tells him to go back to preschool. Before you know it, he's taking YOU to

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B O S S   F I G H T   T H R E E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Enemy: Leon Magnus
HP: 9999     TP: 999     
EXP: N/A     GALD: N/A      LENS: N/A

This is one of those famous RPG battles that you have to fight even though you
can't win. Actually, you CAN win this battle. If your level is high enough, you
can beat Leon. But that will end the game right there with a crappy ending and
that'll be the extent of your Tales of Destiny experience. In this battle, you
should be right around level 6. Leon will take all three of you to school in
about two seconds flat and you'll be defeated easily. But don't worry, you're
supposed to be!

- - - - - - - - - -
After the embarassing battle comes to an end, Leon insults your poor use of a
Swordian, and his Swordian, Chaltier, starts to insult you as well. Dymlos
identifies the Swordian as Chaltier, and then Leon, his Swordian, and the group
will discuss the Prime Continent and the Kingdom of Seinegald. After this, Leon
has the three tied up and taken to Darilsheid.


Items to Find: Orange Gel x3, Leather Cape, Round Shield, Chain Mail, Club,
***** ** ****  P. Bottle, Life Bottle, Green Gel x2, Bread,

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 6
********* *****

As soon as you get control of Stahn in the cell, approach the door and he'll
bang on it, screaming to be let out. The guard tells him to shut up, then Stahn
goes back to his bed. Him and Rutee get into an argument over whos fault it is
that they're in this mess. Mary then tells the two, in her words, "Lovebirds"
to be quiet. Then, some guards will come down to the jail, and they will take
you to see His Majesty, the King.

The plot of the story unfolds further as the King decides to spare your life in
return for running a mission for him. Hugo, the President of Oberon Corporation
(the Lens guys), suggests that because they are Swordian users, Leon can
accompany them to Straylize Temple to retrieve information on the Doomsday
Weapon from the Aeth'er Wars. The King agress nbut ties restraining necklaces
around each neck, so any attempt to escape or be disobedient can be dealt with
a lethal shock. Hugo invites the group to come to his Mansion when we're done
exploring Darilsheid. It's one big city though, so get ready to do some
exploring. But not before we get what the castle holds for us!

In the room closest to the exit of the castle on the right is an Orange Gel in
a brown bag in the corner of the room. Now go north past the entrance to the
throne room to a door with a guard next to it on the left side. He'll invite
you to go inside and take the treasures in there. Though there are three empty
treasure chests in this room, there are also chests with a Leather Cape, a
Round Shield, some Chain Mail, and a Club to boot! Leave this room and go to
the right for another similar room, with smaller chests and brown bags. Inside
the bags and chests are a P. Bottle, an Orange Gel, a Life Bottle, and two
Green Gels. If you go upstairs to the kitchen, take the Bread out of the brown
bag by the fridge. Finally, in the small room to the upper left of the war
room, you can find another Orange Gel in a chest there. Now we can leave the
castle. So do so now, and enter the huge world of the City of Darilsheid.

Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****
Enemies: None.
Suggested Level: 6
********* *****


Oberon Corp MAIN STORE

Spectacles           - 5 Gald
Oberol C             - 50 Gald
Energy Bullet        - 320 Gald

Gourmet Shop PICCOLO
Squid                - 100 Gald
Sea Bass             - 130 Gald
Bonito               - 300 Gald
Lemon                - 30 Gald
Strawberry           - 200 Gald
Pineapple            - 500 Gald
Prune                - 440 Gald

Equipment Shop H.PEACE

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
H. Bottle            - 40 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald

Weapon Shop WARRIOR

Short Sword          - 20 Gald
Long Sword           - 40 Gald
Rapier               - 90 Gald
Saber                - 120 Gald
Hand Axe             - 160 Gald
Gem Rod              - 240 Gald

Fruit Vendor COLORFUL

Lemon                - 30 Gald
Strawberry           - 200 Gald
Pineapple            - 500 Gald
Prune                - 440 Gald

Clothier TRENDY

Cloak                - 6 Gald
Beret                - 10 Gald
Ribbon               - 5 Gald

General Store QWIKEE MART

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald

Fish Monger SEA BREEZE

Blowfish             - 4,000 Gald
Squid                - 100 Gald
Sea Bass             - 130 Gald
Bonito               - 300 Gald

Velvet Garden Inn    - 70 Gald per Night

Just to get it out of the way, your first order of business should be to go
right to Hugo's Mansion, to set things up. From the castle entrance, go right,
then down, then left and enter the large stone building. Leon will ask the
servant where Hugo is, and he'll be told that he's in his office. (Rutee will
get shocked too, woo!). After more conversation, the group will automatically
make their way to Hugo's office on the second floor. Hugo takes the group to
the hall to talk further. Marian, the housemaid, gives Stahn back Dymlos and
Rutee back Atwight at the request of Hugo. After more discussion about
Swordians (there are three more floating around out there!), Hugo will give the
party a World Map. You can explore the Mansion, though there are no items to be
found, only information. When you attempt to leave the mansion, Leon will
remember something and tell you to wait at the door while he goes to do
something. He actually goes back to talk to Marian. He's in love... =) She
calls him Emilio, as well, and Leon calls Hugo "a bastard" which makes things
even more interesting. Leon scurries off leaving Marian without words. Now we
can finally leave the mansion and do our thing, shopping and the like.

Store by store... the Oberon Main Store has nothing great. Spectacles, Oberon C
and Energy Bullets. Pick up some Energy Bullets if you want and sell whatever
Lens you have there as well. At the Gourmet Shop Piccolo, pick up some foods
for your Food Bag, any will do. At the equipment store of the same building,
you'll probably want to purchase some Holy Bottles, just in case. At the Weapon
Shop Warrior, nothing is there that we don't already have, unfortunatly. So
bypass it. At the armor shop, buy three sets of Chain Mail, a Round Shield, two
Leather Capes, and a Leather Glove. The Leather stuff will go on Leon, the
Round Shield to Mary, and the three sets of armor to Leon, Mary, and Rutee.
Stahn should already have Chain Mail equipped. If he doesn't for whatever
reason, make sure to get him equipped.

Once you're done in the main part of town, head through the east exit to
Darilsheid's harbor. There's nothing at the various vendors you need here,
really, except for perhaps a Blowfish to add to your inventory (expensive,
yes). What we are really here for is the warehouses above. There are three
doors leading to three warehouses on the north end of the harbor. Strategically
moving around the various boxes in the warehouses can get you items! There is a
great walkthrough for Tales of Destiny on GameFAQs in addition to this one, by
Erg Gibbon, and he has great strategy on how to get the various items by moving
the boxes, so refer to his walkthrough until I make my own section on the
quickest ways to do it! You should be able to get an Hourglass, some Red
Savory, and other good items at the warehouses.

In anycase, once you are finished, lets head out! As you leave Darilsheid, head
north and a bit west to get to Armeida Village, last stop before Straylize


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: [While Leveling up] Wolf, Owl, G. Bee, Snake

Suggested Level: 7
********* *****


General Store TRAVEL PAL

Short Sword          - 20 Gald
Long Sword           - 40 Gald
Rapier               - 90 Gald
Leather Armor        - 30 Gald
Wood Shield          - 25 Gald
Beret                - 10 Gald
Leather Helmet       - 20 Gald
Leather Glove        - 12 Gald
Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald

Sunset Inn           - 150 Gald per night

Once you're in the small, hicklike village, walk around and talk to everyone.
Remember that here in this village, someone wanted to hire a Swordsman to teach
his son the proper usage of a sword? Well guess who got hired... Grid! That
fool from the bar in Janos, part of the famous Black Wings, the Lens Hunter
groups. Talk to him to get a good laugh. At the one store in town, the General
Store, there's not too much to buy really. Stock up on items, if need be, but
I'd suggest saving your money, there's nothing here we haven't seen before.

Our main objective now, before going to Straylize Temple, is to simply level
up. Make sure everyone in your party, that's Rutee, Stahn, Mary and Leon, are
all level 10 before going to Straylize Temple. Fight enemies outside of this
village and use this village to heal yourself at Sunset Inn when need be.
Capiche? Great. Well... you're at level 10!? Great! Lets head to Straylize
Temple. How do you get there!? Why, from the village, on the World Map, head
east along that thin coast, across the bridge, and then north to the woods.
When you hit the woods, you're in the wooded area before the Temple.


Items to Find: Savory, Green Gel x2, Orange Gel,
***** ** ****

Enemies: Rock Baboon, Chunbird, Orcrot, G. Bee, Snake, Shroom

Suggested Level: 10
********* *****
Once you're in the path to Straylize Temple, head north, and bear right at the
first path you get to going right. Head all the way right down the path to a
stone pillar, looks like a grave almost. Examine it and you'll find that you
can't read it. Dymlos tells you that you're "not ready to read this yet" and
Stahn is disappointed. =) From here, go north and examine the small patch of
mushrooms in the upper right hand corner of the screen there, and you'll get a
Savory! Yay! This item increases one character's maximum TP by 5%. Save it for
later though, the longer you wait, the more of an increase you'll get,
mathematically. This goes for all of the permanent increase items we come
across in the game! It's your game, do what you'd like, but I'd suggest you
save them for later in the game! Once you get the Savory, it's time to head
back to the main path. So go left and then continue north along the path.]

Head all the way north until you can't head north anymore, then make a right
and follow this path right across the trickling stream. Keep going right until,
again, you can't go right anymore, then shoot up, then head left. Go left all
the way and ignore the path going north for now. Keep left and then go down
past the tree to the small treasure chest in the alcove to the southwest of the
screen. Open the chest to get a Green Gel. Then go up the path going north. The
path seems to split with some trees in the middle, but just take either way and
continue north to a cliff, where you get a breathtaking view of Straylize
Temple. From here we can go two ways. First, walk north and walk onto the stone
sticking out of the cliff. Leon and Stahn will split and Leon will tell him
that what we are looking at is Stralize Temple. Now, go back left and open the
treasure chest all the way to the left of the cliff to get a Green Gel. Now go
all the way right, and into the next area.

From here, quickly shoot right and across the screen, going right into the next
area. In this next area, avoiding straying from the path, as going north before
you get to the end of the path heading right is feutile, you can't. So go ALL
THE WAY right, then go north. Once you head north a short way, the path splits.
First, keep going north to the north path, shortly which leads to a chest with
an Orange Gel in it. Once you get the Orange Gel, go back south and take the
path leading down and west. Go west a bit, then head north and into the next
area. From here, take the spiraling path in the linear direction it is heading,
and then head west, which will lead you into an area nearly identical (but only
similar) to the area we were just in. Head west all the way, then north. Head
west and down the path to a lower section of the forest, and then shoot north
into the next area. Now just shoot north through this straight path and we'll
be at Straylize Temple.


Items to Find: R. Doll, Life Bottle, Chain Mail, Green Gel, Spectacles x2,
***** ** ****  Tech Ring, Stray Robe, Ankh Hat

Enemies: Lizard Man, Krystal

Suggested Level: 11
********* *****

When you arrive, it looks like a town. The group starts to talk and Leon says
that there's something wrong here. They say it's too quiet, and then Dymlos
says that it's probably because everyone is dead. Leon suggests that they start
to investigate, so lets do so.

The only building (other than Straylize Temple itself at the very north of the
area) that doesn't have a destroyed door, so you can enter, is the Cathedral at
the right side of town right where you are. Enter it and talk to the Bishop on
the floor in the aisle. He'll tell you that everyone is "in the back." Go up
the aisle and take the small door in the upper lefthand corner of the screen by
the alter. Go right down the path to the treasure chest by the crapload of
stuff in the corner (some chairs and an organ, mainly). Open the chest to get
an R. Doll. Equip it if you'd like, and then exit the Cathedral. Head all the
way to the north of town and enter the temple itself.

When you enter, you'll get a view of the room you're in, and a skull over a
door in the center of the room with five orbs around it. Someone is calling for
help. As the party investigates, they find that someone is locked behind that
door by the force field (as Dymlos points out) that is holding the door locked.
The team now has to find the generators for the orbs and destroy them! The save
point at the center of the room should seem pretty enticing right now though,
so save first and foremost. After you save your game, go back down the stairs
and go right, and then up and through the door into another room. Once in this
room, which is actually more of a corridor, go to the door in front of you and
to the left. Enter it and there will be a crystal there guarded by a monster.
Fight the Lizard Man and destroy the Krystal (yes, it's with a K), and then
leave the room after Stahn exclaims that there is only four more to get! From
here, once back in the corridor, shoot all the way to your right and go into
the door here. Open the treasure chest to get a Life Bottle to add to your

Now, go back to the main room of the temple. From here, go left, then up, then
you'll come to two possible ways you can go. First, go down the stairs to your
left (the bottom of the two possible paths), and into the next area. Ignore the
staircase you come across as you go right, and then shoot up. Examine the sword
by the door up ahead and you'll get a Knight Saber. Equip it on Mary (leave the
rest with their Swordians so you can use magic!), and then go into the door
right in front of you. (the corpse right next to the sword holds nothing.).
Once inside this door, approach and attack the Lizard Man and destroy the
Krystal in here as well. Three to go!

Now, go back out into the corridor and go up the stairs we just ignored prior
to entering the second crystal room. Follow the corridor around to the first
door. Enter it and open the treasure chest in there to get some Chain Mail. All
your characters should already have Chain Mail equipped, so simply leave it in
your inventory and leave the room. Go right and to the door at the end of the
corridor. Enter it and fight another Lizard Man-Krystal combo. Kill them both.
Two more to go!

Now, the next part... go back to the area in a branch of the main room of the
Temple, remember? Where we ignored the stairs in front of us to go to the
stairs below us? Well now go up those stairs. This area is pretty massive
compared to the other parts of the temple, so stay close. For now, ignore the
passage heading left, as after a long corridor, it leads to the Temple's
cathedral. We don't need to go there yet. So head right. The stairs at the end
of the corridor heading right leads to a room with two empty treasure chests,
so ignore that, and head up. Here at the top is a corridor of doors. Starting
at the left...

The leftmost door has a chest, in it contains a Round Shield. All of your
characters that can use shields should have one equipped already, so leave it
in your inventory for now. The next door to the right contains another Lizard
Man and Krystal combonation. Destroy them both, and there's one to go! The door
in the center of the corridor also contains the final Krystal and Lizard Man.
Destroy them and the force field will be destroyed! The door to your right has
nothing in it, so head back to the main room in the Temple. Save your game,
then head to the door that was locked previously by the force field. Enter the
door and Ayles, a bishop of Straylize Temple, will greet you and thank you.
When Leon asks him what happened to Archbishop Marton, he says that Lydon
killed him. When the group brings up the Eye of Atamoni, the Swordians are
astonished! They are all going crazy because of the fact that it's the doomsday
weapon, and the people don't realize what they are messing with. The Swordian
Masters say to be quiet, and Leon asks to be shown around. Ayles eventually
agrees and tells them to head to the Cathedral in the back of the Temple (the
one we passed up before!). First, explore this little room. To the left behind
a bookcase is a Green Gel in a treasure chest. To the right is a Priest at a
table. Talk to him if you'd like, then go up the stairs into the next floor.
This is the Tower of Knowledge, that the priest explained at the table in the
previous floor. On this floor, head right and down a bit. There's a treasure
chest hidden by some bookshelves, but you can still see a bit of it. Open it to
get an Iron Helmet. Equip it on Stahn. Talk to the priest on the other side of
the room, then head up and to the next floor of the tower. Here, talk to the
priest up ahead for some information, then go left all the way around to a
bookshelf blocking your path, past the stairs to the next floor. Open up the
chest there to get some Spectacles, then go up the stairs to the next floor.
Now, once in this floor, go right and talk to the priest, then get the chest
right by him to get another pair of Spectacles. Then go up the stairs to the
final floor in the tower. This floor holds three chests scattered around the
small floor, which hold an Ankh Hat, a Stray Robe, and a Tech Ring! Equip the
Tech Ring right away on Stahn, and you'll get added experience points after
each battle according to how many hits in a row (a hit-combo) you made in a
battle. The top hit combo in each battle is counted towards your end
experience, so make sure to utilize it fully! Equip the Ankh Hat on Rutee, and
the ignore the Stray Robes, as they are weaker than anything you have equipped
for Rutee (she's the only one who can equip it thusfar!). Now, leave the Tower
of Knowledge, and go back into the main room of the Temple.

Save your game, and then head left. Take the door/staircase straight up from
the corridor at the left, and then head left and up. Go into the door at the
top and then follow the winding corridor down a grande staircase, and finally
to a set of doors. Enter the doors and you're in the Cathedral. Ayles will tell
the group to follow him. He goes to a pedestal at the top of the Cathedral and
tells the group to "watch" as he opens a secret passage with some prayers to

Enter through the secret door into another area of the Temple. The treasure
chest to your left as you enter holds nothing, so ignore it. Head left past it
and up to the save point. Save your game, then head back to the entrance and go
up. The entire room is a winding path to two doors at the top of the room. In
the paths are switches, all over the place. There are six. Three of them are
white switches that will open the white door at the top of the screen, and
three of them are dark switches that will open the dark door at the top of the
screen. Simply step on three of either (they have to be the full set to work,
and only of one kind) and the door at the top, corresponding to whatever you
chose, will open. Go through the door, and into the next room. As you can see,
either door leads to the same room. As you enter, the team notices that the Eye
of Atamoni is GONE! And petrified (literally) near the holding spot of the Eye
is Philia, a Priestess under Lydon. After some talk, Leon uses a Panacea Bottle
on her to un-stone her. A long scene ensues, as Ayles tells Philia to calm down
after she gains consciousness because the Eye of Atamoni is missing! The team,
after much discussion, decides to persue Lydon, and with Philia coming along.
Leon first refuses to bring her, but then decides to trust her, as does the
rest of the team. The Swordians, however, are very worried because the Eye of
Atamoni had the world at near-destruction only mere hundreds of years ago...
and the very same could happen again. Ayles tells the party that the huge Lens
is 20 feet in diameter, so it's hard to miss and should get some attention when
it's being lugged around. Once you gain control of the party again, leave
Straylize Temple. Traverse the forest leading to Straylize Temple back to the
world map, go past the small village, and head back to the capital city of
Darilshied. The next leg of the journey begins. (also, you should take the time
to level up Philia to level 10 at least, but don't have her in the party quite


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 12
********* *****

Well once you do what you gotta do, getting all leveled up and such, head back
to the Capital City Darilsheid. Go all the way to the north of town and into
the castle. Go into the throne room and up to the King, and a conversation will
commence. Leon will make his report to the King that the Eye of Atamoni was
stolen from Straylize Temple. The King will be astonished. Then, Philia
introduces herself, and tells the King that Archbishop Marton was killed by
Lydon, and Lydon stole the Eye of Atamoni. The King tells you to get the Eye of
Atamoni back at all costs, and the next leg of the journey begins!

Now what to do next can be a bit hard to figure out, the King is vague and no
one gives you much information on what to do next. However, you should stock up
on whatever you need in town, sell your Lens at the Lens Outlet, and then go to
the harbor through the exit of the town at the east end. Once in the harbor
area of Darilsheid, go past all of the food shops and such. Next to the last
shop (the Fish Monger) are two sailors. Talk to them to initiate a conversation
in which essentially, they tell you that the ships going out to sea have been
getting attacked a lot lately. Also, they say that there was a large item being
delievered to Calvalese aboard a ship. Leon says that that is Baruk's
territory, and that Baruk works for Oberon Corp, one of their head guys under

Once the conversation with the sailors end, head back to the castle, and once
inside Seinegald, go back to the throne room and talk to the King again. Leon
will tell the King, upon the King asking Leon what he's found out, that the Eye
of Atamoni seems to have been disguised as regular cargo and boarded a ship
headed to Calvalese. Leon asks that the King has a ship ready to head there
right away. The King tells Leon that the risks are great with all of the
monster activity lately, but that he'll allow it. He has a guard run to the
harbor to get a ship readied for the group. So now, head out of the castle and
back to the harbor at the east end of town. Board the ship closest to you (the
one on the left, with the guard by the plank entering the ship), and talk to
the Captain. He'll ask you if you're ready to go. Once you're ready, choose
"YES" and we're off to Calvalese!
Items to Find: Flare Bottle, Liqeur Bottle
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 12
********* *****

Once on the ship, the group is shown in the bar/lounge area in the ship's
cabin. Rutee mentions that the skies are getting darker, and then Stahn asks if
it's a storm or "something else". He's referring to the Demon's Reef, a myth
told to kids about dangerous areas of sea with monsters and such. Rutee makes
fun of Stahn for being childish, and Leon simply chimes in that any monsters
that come around will be taken care of by the group. Then, a sailor runs in and
says that monsters are attacking the ship! Non chalantly, Leon gets up and says
"lets go". Before you leave the lounge, talk to the bartender. He'll offer you
up a Flare Bottle the first time you talk to him, and a second conversation
will bag you a Liqeur Bottle as well. After you get both of those items from
the bartender, leave the room through the door at the south of the room and
once on the deck of the ship, walk up to the top where the captain is.

A large dragon will come out of the water, white in color, huge. The Swordians
ask what a Sea Dragon is doing here, but the party is dumbfounded. The
Swordians tell their masters there no way they can defeat a Sea Dragon.
However, Leon goes to attack the Dragon. Before he can, Philia jumps onto the
stern of the ship and says that the Dragon is calling out to her. Everyone
calls her crazy, except Mary, who follows her. She says the Dragon is telling
her to get on it. The party follows her, except Leon, who first instructs the
Captain to leave in one hour if they don't return, and then he yells at
Chaltier for giving her unwanted opinion. He too then boards the dragon.
Welcome to the Underwater City.


Items to Find: Rue Staff, Orange Gel, Pickaxe, Life Bottle, Fine Saber, Iron
***** ** ****  Helmet, ?DISC x2, Clemente

Enemies: Green Roper, Starfish, Sea Slug, Cuttlefish, Sprite

Suggested Level: 12
********* *****

Friendly word of warning - the enemies here are a lot tougher than previous
enemies. Tread softly, heal often, and run if necessary!

Your first order of business should be to save at the save point in the main
room of the underwater city. So save your game. The room to the right is a room
filled mostly with water, so we can't go there yet. So go up into the room
above. Now it seems as if your path is obstructed here, but fear not! Go up to
the small boulders in your way and hold down the circle button. Then use the d-
pad to push the boulders up, down, left or right. This boggled me for a while
when I first played the game back in 1998 and I know it still pisses people off
to this day, so now you know!

Once those boulders are out of your way, you can work your way north through
the room. Once north, go through the door at the top of the screen which leads
to a room that splits into four paths - back the way you came, and then up,
left and right. Philia says that the voice is drawing her northward, but first,
go to the room at your left. Here, there are beds in the room and a chest in
the corner. To get to the chest, pull the boulders out of the way, and then
open the chest to get a Rue Staff. Don't equip it on anyone, it's weaker than
anything you have equipped already. Unfortunatly, you can't sleep in the beds
in this room, so shoot across to the room at the right of the four way room. In
this room, you'll have to move a few boulders a tad bit more strategically to
get to the chest in the corner, which holds an Orange Gel. Once you get this,
go up the north door, up the stairs, in the fourway room, and into the next
area. From here, you can either go right or you can go up. Go around or push
the boulders and go right into the next room. Then, shoot up into the room
right above you, the leftmost one. Push the boulders out of the way in this
room and go around to get to the blue chest, which holds a Pickaxe. The Pickaxe
is a "Valuables" item that will pry open locked doors and "move boulders". So
now exit the room you're in, and go right to the locked door. Analyze the door
and it will open. Enter the room and open the chest in there to get a Life
Bottle. Exit the room.

Now that we have the Pickaxe in hand, go back left a room from the room with
the two doors we just went in, and this time, move the boulders and go north.
Head left down the corridor to the locked door and use the Pickaxe to open it.
Inside this room are two chests. Open them to get an Iron Helmet and a Fine
Saber. Equip the Iron Helmet on Leon and the Fine Saber on Mary. Leave that
room, head right down the corridor and go into the room (no door to use a
pickaxe on), and open the chest to get a ?DISC, which you can't yet identify.
Soon enough. =)

Now, once all that's done, head back to the right wing, and keep heading right
until you get to the ditch in the floor and a rope descending down the hole.
Climb down the rope and you'll get down one level. Philia will tell you that
the voice she's hearing is even lower down. Now you can take one of two ropes
down. First, take the left rope down, which will lead you to a blue chest
holding another ?DISC. Then climb back up the rope and take the right rope
down. Once you take the rope down, head right to another area, and Philia says
she now hears the voice above the party's current standing.

In this area, you can go up or right. First go right and into this room. Open
the blue chest in the corner to get a Sharp Stone, which is actually a disc.
Equip it preferably on Stahn's Swordian, Dymlos. Now, head back left to the
previous room and go up. This is like a conference room with a long table. To
make things easier, instead of moving the boulders right in front of you, run
around the table to the other side and shoot up the stairs into the next room.
The room to the right here holds an elevator, but it doesn't work, so ignore
that room and shoot straight up to the room holding what's calling Philia.

You find a sword lying in this room here, and Philia is connected to it. It's
actually a Swordian, Clemente. All of the Swordians with you recognize his
voice instantly, and Clemente tells Philia that she is chosen, because he
sensed something was wrong and woke up from his slumber. That something, the
Swordians tell Clemente, is that the Eye of Atamoni has been stolen! Philia
finally accepts Clemente's offer after Rutee tries to stop Philia from taking
it, and the group can finally leave, one Swordian Master stronger! You can
leave the Underwater City now (make sure you got all of the items under here,
especially the three discs!), so head all the way back to the entrance of the
Underwater City (it's not too much of a trek back), and Stahn will suggest we
head back to the ship. So we do! =) The ship finally pulls into Calvalese
Harbor, so lets do this!

Items to Find: Combo Counter, Food Sack M
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 13
********* *****


Equipment Shop OASIS

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
R. Bottle            - 500 Gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
H. Bottle            - 40 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald


Saber                - 120 Gald
Fine Saber           - 480 Gald
Silver Mace          - 580 Gald
Veldan               - 350 Gald
Battle Axe           - 600 Gald
A. Cloak             - 280 Gald
Iron Helmet          - 180 Gald
Iron Glove           - 250 Gald

Fish Monger TASTY FISH

Bream                - 120 Gald
Wrasse               - 10 Gald
Red Snapper          - 480 Gald

Fruit Shop FRUITY

Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Banana               - 40 Gald
Pineapple            - 500 Gald
Dorian               - 3,000 Gald

Clothier SILK ROAD

A. Cloak             - 280 Gald
Blue Ribbon          - 220 Gald

Jeff's Inn           - 80 Gald per night

The Captain tells the party that Baruk's office is in the main part of town,
and we'll head there first and foremost, to get it out of the way. Exit the
port to the west, and then head west through the desert town and north a bit to
the nice looking house. That's his house. Enter it and go downstairs down the
stairs to the back of the house. When downstairs, Leon says his office is in
the back, to follow him. When Stahn asks what kind of man Baruk is, Leon scolds
him for not listening. Stahn tells him he knows that he's an Oberon Corp
representitive in charge of the Calvalese area, but what else do we know about
him? Then Rutee and Leon try to explain what this all is to Stahn, but he
doesn't get it, so they give up on him.

When they enter the office, Baruk greets them and is actually a really nice
guy. He picks on Leon a lot during the conversation, saying that he is mean to
the group because he fears they may be equally as powerful as he, although Leon
refuses to believe so. Anyway, Baruk discusses some matters with the group,
about the pirates, and the constant attacks on Oberol Corp's Lens shipments
recently. Finally, he'll send you on your way to explore Cherik (the town we're
in). Before he lets you go though, he tells you to take what's in the two
chests at the bottom of his office. Open them to get the Medium Food Sack and
the Combo Counter, both useful items indeed! Now, leave his office and explore
the town.
Start by talking to everyone, go stay at the inn if need be. When you get to
the shops (they are in the same building), purchase any healing items you need
(stock up on the Rune Bottles so we can see what discs we have and such), and
purchase Iron Helmets, Iron Gloves, some weaponry, and Amber Cloaks for anyone
who needs the defensive boost. Anyone who uses Swordians should stick with
their Swordians (that's everyone except Mary). Buy Mary a Battle Axe to
Now, go to the menu, and go to your items. Use your Rune Bottle on both ?DISC
items we got from the Underwater City. They will end up being Disc SP010022 and
Disc SW020020. Equip them on Swordians for the extra boosts they give (mix and
match the Discs you have thusfar to optomize their effects accordingly), and
also, use the Rune Bottle on your Savory we got in the woods leading to
Straylize Temple to make it into the much stronger Red Savory. You can use the
Rune Bottles on Cheese to make them Brie and Wormy Apples to make them into
Jam. After you do what you need to do with the Rune Bottles, go restock on them
if you want. Also, go to the well in the center of town, and some kids there
will offer to play tag with you. Play with them if you want, they will reward
you with one gald for every second you don't get caught. If you last long
enough, they'll start giving you some Gels, and even an Efreet (which can only
be used once during a battle sequence, supposidly, although I've never lasted
long enough to get one in this game!). I suck pretty bad at the tag game
myself, but you people might have better luck, so give it a try if you want.

The harbor holds some shops and such. Go there and talk to everyone, and buy
food and such. Also buy three Blue Ribbons from the clothier on the Harbor and
make sure to equip them on the three girls in the party. Do the warehouse thing
above if you want and such. If you didn't manage to get an Efreet from the game
of tag in the main part of Cherik, you can get one in the warehouse by doing
the right sequence with the boxes. Once you're done here, it's time to leave
Cherik for now.


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: Desert Fly, Scorpion, Hornet, Worm, Lizard

Suggested Level: You should level up to level 15 before getting to Kalviola
********* *****

Once you leave Cherik, you should head north to the town of Kalviola. But
first, take the time to level up all of the characters in your party to level
15, first, just to keep a nice high level for the coming onslaught of enemies.
If you don't have the patience to get to level 15 (and for the love of god, you
should, it doesn't take THAT long to get to level 15 if you've been leveling up
the entire game when I suggested that you do), at least raise your level one or
two. Anyway, head north to Kalviola, the capitol city of the continent of


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: Sea Slug x3, Cuttlefish

Suggested Level: 14-15
********* *****


Equipment Shop MOONLIGHT

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
R. Bottle            - 500 Gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
H. Bottle            - 40 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald

Armor Shop FULL MOON

Amber Cloak          - 280 Gald
Ring Mail            - 300 Gald
Iron Helmet          - 180 Gald
Iron Glove           - 250 Gald
Ankh Hat             - 120 Gald
Oberon Corp KALVIOLA
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
Oberol C             - 50 Gald
Oberol EX            - 300 Gald
Energy Bullet        - 320 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Saber                - 120 Gald
Fine Saber           - 480 Gald
Veldan               - 350 Gald
Battle Axe           - 600 Gald
Bastard Sword        - 800 Gald

Orc's Inn            - 100 Gald per night

Once you enter the desert capital city, you'll notice as you walk around and
talk to everyone, as well as all of the shops, that everyone is rude, and that
the shops refuse to do any business with you. So head nback near the entrance
(the southern one) to the town and when the wall surrounding the town ends, go
around it and walk north. Suddenly, a boy named Tosh will be yelling in
distress! As the party goes to check it out, it's a boy trying to fend a few
Sea Slugs off from entering the town. Suddenly, Grid and his Blackwings appear
and eventually make utter fools of themselves when the Sea Slug takes out Grid
in battle. Eventually, you get to fight the beasts, it's only three Sea Slugs
and a Cuttlfish, so you shouldn't have any trouble beating the crap out of
these guys nice and quick. After you defeat them in battle, the unappreciative
Tosh runs away after a few explatives escape from his mouth.

Anyway, leave that little area of the town back to the regular part of town.
Walk around town, making sure to hit up the bar and such, and talk to everyone.
When you hit the weapons and armor stores, et cetera, I suggest you buy the
following. Firstly, at the Equipment Shop, stock up to 15 on each of the
healing items and such, so you have a good stock in case you need them. In the
armor shop, simply purchase three sets of Ring Mail and equip them on the three
characters in your party who can use them to give their defense a nice boost.
In the weapon shop (Tosh is there, but he has not much to say, it figures that
his father owns the town's weapon shop), the owner (Tosh's dad) says he "has
to" let you buy something. So, purchase one Bastard Sword, and that's it. Equip
it on Mary. Again, the Bastard Sword is stronger than Leon's Swordian, but
Leon's spells are strong, so it's best to keep the Swordian equipped on him
regardless. Then, go down to the Lens shop here, exchange your Lens for Gald
and purchase Oberol C items, Oberol EX items, and some Energy Bullets as well.
Then, stay at Orc Inn, and leave town and save your game. Finally, when you're
done doing your thing, talking to everyone and buying everything you need, your
next stop should be the Straylize Temple in the center of the capital city
here. Go there and enter it. You'll find that you'll be booted out immidiatly
from the Temple, because they are doing a "service" inside. Also, the side door
into the temple is locked. Head back to Cherik.


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 14-15
********* *****

In Cherik, head all the way west into Calvalese Harbor, adjacent to the town of
Cherik. Talk to the wandering sailor there who admits to helping carrying
something that arrived here in a boat not too long ago. He directs you to a man
named Jake, staying at the Inn in town. Now head out of the harbor and into the
town. Go straight to the inn and you'll notice that no one is in the Inn,
except for Jeff (the owner) and a Maid downstairs. Talk to the maid and she'll
now re-direct you to the Weapon Shop, where Jake had to make a stop quickly.
Head to the weapon shop and talk to the rude owner there (who accuses you of
stalking Jake, none-the-less), and then the owner will AGAIN re-direct the
party back to the Harbor. In the upper corner of the town lies Jake, looking
out at the sea. Talk to him and he'll tell you that he carried a very heavy
statue that was to be installed at the only temple in Calvalese, the one in the
capital city, Kalviola. He has not much else to say, so after the party thanks
him, go back to Baruk's.

Once you're in Baruk's house, go downstairs to his office and talk to him. Leon
tells Baruk that the Eye of Atamoni is at the Straylize Temple in Kalviola.
Baruk informs the party that Lydon is probably hiding there as well, and sends
you off on your way, telling the party that he'll look into the pirate fleet in
the mean time. Now that we're all set, head BACK to Kalviola.


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****

Enemies: None.

Suggested Level: 15
********* *****

Once back in the capital city, go to the temple and enter. Two priests will be
at the entrance and you can talk to both of them. Philia will ask them if
they've seen a statue being brought here lately, and they both deny any known
whereabouts of any statue. Also, Philia asks them if they've seen Lydon, and
they remark that the high-priest hasn't been seen lately.

Philia and Leon become suspicious, because a simply high priest would
doubtfully be known about on another continent, he's not a bishop or arch-
bishop or anything, remarks Leon. Rutee then suggest that the party infiltrates
the temple at night, and they party all agrees that that is indeed a fine idea.

Philia volunteers to stay at the temple for the night so that the side door can
be unlocked by her during the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep.
Leon tells her that they'll be at the Inn until then. Go to the Orc Inn to the
right of the temple and spend the 100 Gald to stay a night. Once in your rooms,
the party will be ready to assemble and head out. (when you go outside, you'll
notice super cool lighting effects from the doors to the outside and such,
you'll see). Enter the side door of the Temple and lets do this.


Items to Find: None.
***** ** ****
Enemies: Monk Soldier, Priestess, Bat Eye
Suggested Level: 15
********* *****

The Temple is super dark at first, but Philia soon joins you and lights it up
slightly with her lantern. She warns that there are Priests wandering around
the temple, and to be careful, so... BE CAREFUL! =)

It's super hard to really get a sense of direction in the temple because it's
so dark, but do the best you can anyhow. Head left and then at your first
chance, head down into the next corridor. Now head right (don't traverse left,
for after going up and down the series of stairs, you'll find yourself at the
main entrance to the temple. Go outside and you'll be locked out, and you'll
have to go back through the side and start all over!)

So head right and go down and into the next area. You'll find here that a boss
fight ensues, with some pretty powerful enemies indeed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   F O U R
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Solider x2, Priestess x2, and Bat Eye x2

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

Bat Eye
HP: 489      TP: 0      WEAKNESS: Fire
EXP: 260     GALD: 400    LENS: 26


When this fight ensues, it'll be a crowded screen. Six enemies for you to
defeat! This isn't all that bad, really, just take care of the enemies on one
side with Stahn and have the party concentrate spells, skills, and physical
attacks on the other side. Your main concern isn't the Bat Eyes, but the
Priestesses and the Monk Soldiers. The Monk Soldiers have a lot of HP and pack
a powerful punch, while the Priestess enemies can cast many spells similar to
the array of spells that Rutee and Philia have. If they are about to cast a
spell, hit them to interrupt the casting to avoid any... further altercation.
=) Once they are defeated, well... onward we go. =)

- - - - - - - - - -

Once you defeat the enemies you'll automatically go down and left to a jail
cell (in the middle of a temple!?), and inside is a Priest whom was caught by
the enemy and locked up. As he was doing his evening prayers in the cathedral,
Lydon came and brought the Eye of Atamoni with him. Lydon's henchmen, "acting
in the name of Lydon," locked up the priest because he saw too much, and so
here he is. Although Stahn wants to let him out of the cell, Leon and Rutee
think that he should stay put for now, as they don't know if he's a monster,
and he'll be safer in the cell anyway. After that, go left and into the
adjacent cell, to talk to an old priest in bed who is "starving". Ah well,
nothing we can do for him. =)

Now, go back up and leave the cell area. Go around and take the stairs to your
left up and around, around a corridor. When you start to head right, a set of
enemies will again intercept you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   F I V E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Solider x2, Priestess x2, and Bat Eye x2

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

Bat Eye
HP: 489      TP: 0      WEAKNESS: Fire
EXP: 260     GALD: 400    LENS: 26


Same as the previous boss fight. Use the same strategy, you can get it above.

- - - - - - - - - -

Once you defeat those enemies, had right and up into the grande doorway, which
leads to the cathedral. Leon suggests that we look for the secret entrance.
Shoot up to the alter and analyze it to find a button which opens a door behind
it, the same set up as in Seinegald. Leon even mentions this, asking if "they
take us for idiots?" =) Anyway, head up to stairs in this secret area to find a
room very, very similar to the Straylize Temple's Eye of Atamoni room in
Seinegald. Suddenly, from darkness, the lights turn on and a High Priest
catches the group in the room.

A lengthy conversation ensues with the High Priest and the party, where they
tell the party that Lydon left with the Eye of Atamoni, and they don't know
where he went, but that his "monster army" will take over the world. They claim
to be Atamoni's chosen ones, and that the world is their's to rule, via the Eye
of Atamoni and Lydon's vision. He also tells you that the ships being pirated
are Lydon's doing as well, as he uses the Lens shipments to make his monsters,
and additionally, to disrupt the economy of Seinegald which so very much relies
on Lens for it's economic prosperity. After some more talk, the High Priest
sends out his henchmen on your party, the same freakin' enemies we fought twice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   S I X
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Solider x2, Priestess x2, and Bat Eye x2

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

Bat Eye
HP: 489      TP: 0      WEAKNESS: Fire
EXP: 260     GALD: 400    LENS: 26


Same old, same old, see Boss Fight Four's description if you STILL need help on
defeating these enemies! =D

- - - - - - - - - -

After you defeat that set of enemies... God Almighty, another on-slaught is-a
comin'! Ugh.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   S E V E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Solider x2, Priestess x2, and Bat Eye x2

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

Bat Eye
HP: 489      TP: 0      WEAKNESS: Fire
EXP: 260     GALD: 400    LENS: 26

You should get the idea by now.
- - - - - - - - - -

After the defeat of the High Priest as well, Leon calls them "powerless" and
asks Stahn if he knows where we're going next. Although you have three choices,
and it really doesn't effect much what you choose, choose Fitzgald (that's
choice one), and you won't look like an idiot to Leon. =) But what do I suggest
we do first? Level the hell up, boy. =) But we'll do that in Fitzgald, where
the enemies are stronger!

Once outside of the town of Kalviola, head back to Cherik, and go to Calvalese
Harbor. Go to the ship at the harbor and board it. Talk to the captain and
he'll ask you if you're going to Seinegald. You say no, that you're going to
Fitzgald, and then he'll agree to take you, and you're on your way.

Items to Find: Rune Bottle,
***** ** ****
Suggested Level: 15
********* *****



Short Sword          - 20 Gald
Long Sword           - 40 Gald
Battle Axe           - 600 Gald
Ring Mail            - 300 Gald
Silver Mace          - 580 Gald
Kite Shield          - 350 Gald
Ahmet Helmet         - 480 Gald
Land Hat             - 340 Gald
Gauntlet             - 380 Gald


Fitz Burger          - 180 Gald
Fitz Fries           - 50 Gald
Fitz Shake           - 100 Gald

Supermarket F-MART

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Rune Bottle          - 500 Gald
Panacea Bottle       - 80 Gald
Holy Bottle          - 40 Gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Lemon                - 30 Gald
Acerola              - 250 Gald


Squid                - 100 Gald
Sea Bass             - 130 Gald
Wrasse               - 10 Gald

Butcher Shop FAIR DEAL

Chicken              - 420 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald


Spectacles           - 5 Gald
Oberol C             - 50 Gald
Oberol EX            - 300 Gald
Energy Bullet        - 300 Gald

Softy Kream          - 50 Gald
Fitz Shake           - 100 Gald

Amber Cloak          - 280 Gald
Land Hat             - 340 Gald
Blue Ribbon          - 220 Gald

Fish Monger CAVIAR #1

Squid                - 100 Gald
Sea Bass             - 130 Gald
Bream                - 120 Gald
Wrasse               - 10 Gald
Red Snapper          - 480 Gald


Wormy Apple          - 2 Gald
Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Lemon                - 30 Gald
Apple                - 30 Gald
Strawberry           - 200 Gald
Sweetee              - 220 Gald
Acerola              - 250 Gald
Pineapple            - 500 Gald
Prune                - 440 Gald
Mangosteen           - 1,500 Gald

Fish Monger CAVIAR #2

Squid                - 100 Gald
Sea Bass             - 130 Gald
Wrasse               - 10 Gald
Bonito               - 300 Gald
Blowfish             - 4,000 Gald

Hotel Jun            - 200 Gald a night

After watching the ship traverse the waters for a minute or two on the open
seas, you'll arrive in Fitzgald. The captain will announce the arrival, and you
can now deboard the ship and explore the massive city. Go south from the ship
and open the bag behind some cargo boxes to get a Rune Bottle, and then head
east. Before we shop, we should see Ilene, as Leon suggested.

To get to Ilene's, we have to leave the Harbor area. So do so and you'll be in
the regular part of town. When you enter here, and automatic altercation will
occur with three people... a brother and a sister of the upper class and a
young boy named Karma, who is an adopted orphan. The kids tease him and his
sister for not being rich and fashionable like them, and that's when Rutee
steps in to stop the fighting. She scolds them and they run away. Stahn then
tells Karma to go with his sister, and he thanks them and runs off. Stahn
compliments Rutee on her kindness but she just says that we should move on. So
lets do so.
So to meet Ilene, head left on the path to the Lens store. Enter it and a scene
will automatically take place. Leon will recognize Ilene and vice-versa, and
Ilene will ask what we're doing here. Leon tells Ilene that he has a good plan
to combat the pirate attacks of late on Ilene's Lens shipments. She agrees to
hear the idea, so follow her down the stairs to a more private area. Once
downstairs, Ilene will introduce herself to the rest of the party, she is Ilene
Rembrandt. She is the GM of the Fitzgald branch of Oberon Corp. Everyone
introduces themselves to Ilene, et cetera, and then the plan explanation from
Leon to Ilene begins.

Leon tells Ilene that they will board a ship headed to wherever to act as a
decoy shipment. When the pirates attack, they will basically kill what they can
of them and get their leader to find out where they are based and where they
come from. Although Ilene is at first doubtful of the plan, she eventually
agrees, having no other choice. She makes it clear that there should be no
mistakes being made, however! Or she'll get it from Hugo. She tells you that
her house is yours until we leave, and to meet her at the dock when you're
ready. But for now, lets shop! Take the Oberol EX and the Bellebane from the
chest and bag, respectivly, in that room, then leave the basement. Buy what you
need from the Oberol store, and then leave the store.

Here's what you should purchase. From the Arms Shop ARCADIA, buy three Kite
Shields (for Stahn, Leon and Mary), three Ahmet Helmets (for the same three),
and three Gauntlets as well, for the same three. Make sure to equip all of what
you just bought!
From here, you'll want to go to the F-Mart. At the SP Burger inside, purchase
some burgers, fries and shakes, if you want. But what the F-Mart truly holds is
powerful healing items. =) At Supermarket F-MART, purchase 15 Lemon Gels and 15
Pine Gels, as well as a few Acerolas, if you want. In the supermarket, you can
also purchase meats, fishes, and Oberol Corp products if need be. Once you buy
all of this, you can now do one of two things.
I personally recommend that you have the patienece and discipline to leave the
town and level up your characters all to level 17. But you might not want to do
that. In that case, skip the next section of the walkthrough and go to part 24,
as the next part, 22, is dedicated to leveling up tactics in the region, and 23
is about Stahn's hometown, which you can optionally go to now as well. So
onward we go.


Items to Find: None
***** ** ****

Enemies: Lizard, Poison Snake, Vulture, Mandrake, Hornet,

Suggested Level: You'll start around level 15, you should level up to level 17.
********* *****

On this continent (which is long, but not wide), you should level yourself up
before taking on the pirate ships. A nice level to be at is level 17. SO level
up, fighting the five monsters you find on this continent; Lizards, Poison
Snakes, Vultures, Mandrakes and Hornets. Switch in and out your characters so
that each is at level 17, and once that's done, you should be free to go to the
pirate ships and do as you will, that much stronger.

However, I do suggest you go due north on the continent and to Lienna Village,
where Stahn is from.


Items to Find: None
***** ** ****

Enemies: None

Suggested Level: 17
********* *****

Fish Shop TIDES

White Smelt          - 80 Gald
Eel                  - 2,000 Gald
Tuna                 - 3,000 Gald
Prawn                - 1,200 Gald

Green Grocer ECHO

Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Wormy Apple          - 2 Gald
Persimmon            - 85 Gald
Chestnut             - 120 Gald
Silvervine           - 200 Gald
Grape                - 980 Gald

Fruit Vendor BLUE SKIES

Lemon                - 30 Gald
Apple                - 30 Gald
Strawberry           - 200 Gald


Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Fitz Burger          - 180 Gald

Butcher Shop GRADE A

Chicken              - 420 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald

Lienna Village is really an optional place to go at this junction in the game,
but you should go there anyway, if you want to get a little backstory on
Stahn's roots, and also pick up some rare foods, mainly, that we haven't come
across yet.

You should walk around the town and talk to everyone, the elders, Stahn's
family, et cetera. The main attraction of the town lies in the one building
that holds all of the town's stores. Here, buy foods that you've yet to
encounter on your journey, to add to your inventory. That's the main reason I
came here in the first place, before I had to. =) Anyway, that's all there
really is to do here. Head back to Neuestatd and go to the harbor. Talk to
Ilene and you'll be on your way to the pirate fleet!

P.S. Ignore the seed planting area in Lienna for now - we'll come back and do
that whole schpeel after we access the secret seeds shop! More on that later.
For now...


Items to Find: Panacea Bottle, Lemon Gel x4, Pine Gel x3, Miracle Gel x3,
***** ** ****  Green Gel x 11, Melange Gel x5, Orange Gel x9, Bastard Sword,
               Oberol C x13, Oberol EX x3, Lavender, Bellebane x2, Sage x2,
               Savory, Oberol G x2, Spectacles x6, Wrasse, Dark Bottle x3,
               Barracudda x2, Amber Cloak x3, Red Snapper x5, Holy Bottle x4,
               Squid x3, Splint Mail x2, Blue Ribbon, Flare Bottle,
               Liquer Bottle x2, Wall of Flame, Silver Chain, Iron Helmet,
               Veldan, Iron Glove, Battle Axe, Life Bottle, Tuna, Silver Cloak,

Enemies: Pirate, Berserker, War Vulture, Monk Soldier, Priestess

Suggested Level: 17
********* *****

This part of your journey is long and arduous, it's a tough affair indeed. Make
sure to be fully prepared, stocked up with the best in weaponry and armor,
healing items, and to be fully healed in both HP and TP before proceeding any

As you enter the ship, Ilene tells the captain of the ship that Leon is now in
charge. Although the captain is at first apprehensive, he soon agrees, as it's
under Hugo's orders. The ship soon thereafter takes off from the port, headed
out to sea.

Once the ship is out there, the game cuts to the party awaiting the pirate
attack below deck. The party, especially Rutee, is getting extremly tired of
waiting around for the attack to happen, and actually wants them to attack!
Leon grows tired of her bickering, but soon the unthinkable happens... right
after Leon hypthosizes that the pirates might actually KNOW this a trap, the
pirates start the heist! Leave the room through the door on the south and back
to the deck of your ship. From here, the captain tells you to get the leader of
each ship so that particular ship can be commandeered. Enter the first ship and
go below deck. Here we go!
(Please Note - The battles on the pirate ships aren't random. Similar to the
battles on the Draconis, the battles on the pirate ship occur when you run into
the enemies, Chrono Trigger Style. I won't be suggesting that you attack all of
the enemies - if you're smart, you'll let them attack you so that you can get
EXP, Gald, and Lens.)
On the first ship, enter the hold. Head left right away and open the small
chest on the leftmost wall to get a Panacea Bottle. Go up to the door on the
left right near you and enter the next room. Open the small chest on your left
(hidden underneath the support bar) for a Pine Gel. Then, Head up the short
staircase and open the chest on the left there for a Miracle Gel. Finally, on
the left right above where you are is a bag with a Lemon Gel. Nab it and go
through the door into the next room. The next room is actually a corridor. To
your immidiate left, nab the Green Gel in the brown bag, and head to your
right. At the other side of the corridor in a small chest is a Melange Gel.
Grab it, and ignore the door in the corridor heading up. Go to the far right
and go down into the other door. Here, to your right when you walk in is a
Orange Gel. Now, head back up and into the previous corridor. The door leading
up in the middle of the corridor that we ignored before, go up and into the
next area.

Here, run around the loop to the left, or the right, they both lead you to the
same place; an area with a staircase going up and one going down. The blue
chest right near this area holds a Bastard Sword. You should already have one
equipped on Mary, so move on from here, going down the set of stairs. Once down
the stairs and into the next area, a small chest right next to the stairs
contains an Oberol C. Grab it quick, then head right and into the door leading
up. In here, aside from an enemy, are two bags and a small chest. Grab what's
in them; a Lemon Gel, an Oberol C and an Oberol EX! Now leave the room and back
into the corridor. This time, shoot straight across the hallway to the room
leading down. In here are two bags, which have a Miracle Gel in it, and also, a
Lavender! Awesome! Head straight down out the other door and into the next
corridor. In this corridor, immidiatly to your right is a small chest which
contains an Oberol EX. Now head right down the corridor. The small chest on the
other side contains an Oberol C. From here, you can go down a set of stairs or
up through a door. We'll come back to the stairs, but first, go through the
door in front of you.

In this small room, head up and, after dueling with the enemies in this room,
grab the Bellebane out of the bag on your right, and further up in the room,
the Oberol C out of the small chest. Go through the door at the top of the room
back into a previous corridor. Shoot straight across the corridor up through a
door into another small room. This small room contains two bags in the upper
righthand corner, which contain a Pine Gel and a Melange Gel. Grab them, then
head all the way back down through the previous corridor and previous room,
back to the staircase we just ignored. Go down the staircase which will lead
you to an entirely new corridor.

To your left right when you enter the corridor is a Sage in the brown bag. Grab
it and then head right. Once you go right a short ways, there should be a door
leading up into another room, next to a corridor leading up. Head into the door
and enter a big room. Here, amongst the cannonballs and barrels, are two bags,
which hold two more great items, another Bellebane and a Savory! Now exit this
room, and head back into the corridor. Head right and then up the corridor, and
enter the room through the door at the top of the corridor. In this large room
is the captain of the ship, and also, a treasure chest to your right. First,
grab the Oberol G out of the treasure chest to your right, then talk to and
engage the captain in battle!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   E I G H T
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Enemy: Pirate x2, Monk Soldier, Priestess
Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   
HP: 494      TP: 60

HP: 489      TP: 0      
EXP: 460     GALD: 400    LENS: 46


This battle is not really a boss battle persay, but I shall count it as such
anyway. These enemies are easy to defeat. You have two Pirates that you've been
fighting on the ship thusfar, as well as a Monk Soldier and a Priestess to deal
with as we wereback in Kalviola's Straylize Temple. Just go to work on them,
taking out the Priestess first (as she can cast offensive spells and heal her
party), and then taking out the other physical attack enemies secondly. It's an
easy ordeal indeed!
- - - - - - - - - -
After the defeat of the "Boss Enemy," you'll automatically be transported back
to your ship, and talk to the captain. You get a rating from the captain (he
told me "I'm too damn slow!" but that's just 'cause I was writing at the same
time as I was playing, as usual.) Your rating will now effect the types of
items that are on the next ship, and so on and so forth. So try to be quick.
Keep in mind that if you didn't get my crappy rating here, your items found may
differ from the items I found on the next ship! Onward!

From our ship, board the pirate ship and enter through the southward entrance.
When you enter the corridor (the pirate ships are all identical so this should
get easier for you speedwise), defeat the pirates in the corridor, and then
grab the Melange Gel from the small chest on the right of the corridor. The
left of the corridor holds some Spectacles for your use as well. After you nab
those two items, go left down the corridor and up the door at your left into
the next room. This next room holds three treasures for you, all found in bags
and small chests to your left. They are Spectacles, a Wrasse, and a Dark
Bottle. Once you get those, go through the door at the top of the room into the
next corridor.
In this corridor, immidiatly grab another Dark Bottle from the bag above you,
and then head right down the corridor. A Barracuda is in the small chest at the
righthand side of the corridor for you. Now, head down the door right there and
into the next room. This room contains, for you, a pair of Spectacles in the
brown bag right by the door, and that's it. So leave the room using the same
door you used to enter it, and head left down the corridor. Go through the
silver door at the top of the screen and into the next area.

In this area, take care of the enemies first, then loop around the corridor
either way, which will lead to two staircases, one leading up and the other
leading down. Right by these staircases is brown bag with Spectacles in it.
Take them, then go down the stairs into the next area.

Once down the stairs, open up the treasure chest there to get an Amber Cloak,
but don't bother equipping it on anyone. Now, head left and go through the door
at the top of the corridor to the left. In this room are two small treasure
chests. Open them to reveal a Red Snapper and a Holy Bottle. Now leave that
room and back into the corridor. Head right and go through the door at the top
of the corridor to the right, now. In this room are two small treasure chests,
containing another Red Snapper and another Holy Bottle, and also a brown bag,
which holds a Squid for you. Now you can leave this room and shoot straight
down the corridor through the door at the bottom of the corridor. This next
room is a long room, which holds a brown bag on the top lefthand side of the
room with a Squid in it, and a small chest in the lower right hand corner of
the room which holds another Red Snapper for you. Now leave this room through
the door at the bottom of the room and into the next corridor. Once in this
corridor, open the small treasure chest right near you for another Holy Bottle,
and then shoot left down the corridor. The chest on the lefthand side of the
corridor contains Splint Mail. Equip it immidiatly on Stahn. Now, ignore the
staircase heading down for now, and go up through the door right by the chest
into the room above. In this room, grab the Holy Bottle out of the small chest
at the top of the room on the righthand wall, and the Squid from the bag in the
lower half of the room on the righthand wall. Then leave this room through the
bottom door, and go down the stairs into the next area.

Once down the stairs, nab the Amber Cloak from the small chest right by the
stairwell, then head right a bit down the corridor, then shoot up through the
door that leads to a room going up. Once in this room, destroy the various
enemies and grab the two Red Snappers from the two small chests in the room.
Now leave the room, and head right down the corridor, then up to the door at
the top of the corridor. Enter the door into the room where the ship's captain
is. Before engaging him in battle, grab the Blue Ribbon from the chest at the
left of the screen, and then talk to the captain to have a boss battle, the
same as the one we had on the ship prior.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   N I N E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Pirate x2, Monk Soldier, Priestess

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

HP: 489      TP: 0      
EXP: 460     GALD: 400    LENS: 46


The same as the battle before, just make sure to concentrate your inintial
attacks on the spell-casting Priestess, she should be your first target once
the battle commences.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now, after that battle, the captain called me a chicken and told me to fight
like I meant it. If he didn't say that to you, the items we find on this ship
might differ! Onward.

From our ship, make your way to the pirate ship and, again, enter through the
southern door. Once in the ship's hold, fight off the enemies, and then grab
the Oberol C from the small chest at the left of the corridor and the
Spectacles from the bag at the right of the corridor. Now, go up through the
door at the right of the corridor and into the next room. In this room, kill
the rampant enemies and grab the Spectacles from the bag at the top of the
room. Then, go through the door and up into the next corridor. Immidiatly grab
the Oberol C from the small chest ahead of you when you get into the corridor,
then shoot left down the corridor. The bag on the left side of the corridor
contains an Orange Gel. Grab that, then go down the door right there into
another room. Once in this room, first kill the enemies, then grab the Green
Gel, Oberol C, and Orange Gel from the bags and chests. Then, shoot back
through the door you came into this room through at the top. Go right down the
corridor, and then take the door leading up into the next area.

Here, let the enemies come to you and kill them, then loop around the corridor
going either way and to yet another familiar area; a place with two stairs, one
leading up and the other leading down. Grab the Green Gel from the bag there,
and then go down the stairs into the next corridor. In this corridor, after the
enemies are defeated, grab the Oberol C from the small chest in front of the
stairs, and then go left down the corridor and up through the door leading up
there. In this room, grab a Flare Bottle and a Green Gel from the bags in
there, then leave the room back into the corridor. Shoot down the corridor to
your right, now, and enter the door leading up there. In this room, after the
enemies are defeated, grab the contents of the small chest and the two bags -
that is, an Orange Gel, an Oberol C, and a Green Gel. Then, leave the room.
Shoot straight down the corridor through the bottom door on the righthand side
and into the next area.
In this room, kill the enemies and grab the Orange Gel and Liquer Bottle from
the chest and bag in the room, and then shoot through the bottom door of the
room, into the next corridor. Grab the Orange Gel from the bag right as you
enter this corridor, and then shoot left down the corridor, grabbing the Oberol
C from the small chest on that side of the corridor. Ignore the stairs going
down there for now, head up through the door into the room above. After
defeating the enemies here, grab the Oberol C from the chest above and the
Green Gel from the bag near the bottom entrance to the room. Then leave the
room through the bottom entrance of the room and go down the stairs, into the
next area of the ship.

As you descend the stairs, grab the Melange Gel from the bag by the base of the
stairs, then clear the corridors of enemies. Then head right a bit, and go up
the door into the large room above. In this room, clear the enemies and grab
the Liquer Bottle and Miracle Gel from the two bags on either side of the room,
then exit this room. Go right s'more on the corridor, then shoot up to the door
at the top of the corridor. The ship's captain is here. Before battling his
henchmen and taking the ship for Oberon Corp, go to the left of the room and
grab the Sage from the small chest on that side of the room. Then talk to the
captain and lets battle!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Pirate x2, Monk Soldier, Priestess

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

HP: 489      TP: 0      
EXP: 460     GALD: 400    LENS: 46


As the previous two battles, this too is the same. See above strategies if you
need help.

- - - - - - - - - -

Once that ship is seized, you'll be taken once again back to your own ship. The
Captain will tell you that the pirate's leader has appeared on this, the final
ship. Board their ship and enter the hold through the southern door, as always.

In the corridor, destroy the sets of enemies and grab the Oberol C and Lemon
Gel from the bag and small chest on either side of the corridor. Then go
through the door at the top right of the corridor and into the next area above.
Finally, a new ship layout! =) The corridor here loops, so just worry about
defeating the enemies first. Then, grab the Oberol C from the small chest on
the lower righthand of the screen and the Green Gel from the small chest on the
lower lefthand of the screen. At the center of the corridor is a blue chest
which contains WOF, or Wall of Flame, a disc for a Swordian. Equip it on
whomever (not on Stahn, Dymlos is already fire elemental!). Go down the stairs
from there, and shootdown to the two bags by the barrels here. Open them to get
an Orange Gel and a Green Gel. Defeat the swarms of enemies here, and grab the
Silver Chain from the chest on the lefthand side of the corridor and some
Splint Mail from the chest on the righthand side of the corridor. Equip the
Splint Mail on Leon and the Silver Chain on Rutee. Go through the door on the
lefthand side leading up to the next room.

Defeat the enemies here and then grab, from the four bags around the room, a
Green Gel, an Orange Gel, a Pine Gel and a Lemon Gel. Now go through the door
at the top of the room to the next corridor. After defeating the enemies in
this corridor, collect the Iron Helmet and Orange Gel from the hidden chests
against the close wall on either side of the stairwell in the center of the
hallway. From the room on the lefthand side leading up, collect a Veldan from
the chest there, and from the room on the righthand side leading up, collect a
Green Gel and an Iron Glove. From that room, shoot straight across the corridor
down to the room on the righthand side leading down. In this room, destroy the
enemies and collect the goods there; an Orange Gel, a Green Gel, a Melange Gel,
and an Oberol EX.
Head back up to the previous corridor and go to the center door on the top of
the screen. In the chests on the top of the room, collect the Battle Axe and
the Amber Cloak. Then, leave the room and shoot down across the corridor, to
the stairs. Go up the stairs and into an enemy filled area. Immidiatly run down
and left or right, down through those doors and again down and through another
set of doors to the bottom-most corridor, which has three chests there. Kill
the enemies in the corridor and open the three chests to get an Oberol G, a
Holy Bottle and a Life Bottle. Then go up to the left and kill the enemies
here. Go through the door that leads to the small room there, and kill the
enemies inside. Grab the Dark Bottle and the Tuna from the two chests there,
then leave the room and head back up. Once back in the main corridor, go right,
and then down through the door and into a similar area as before at the left.
Kill the enemies here and again enter the small room. Kill the enemies in there
as well, and grab the Silver Cloak and Barracuda from the chests there.

From here, go back to the main room that we were just in. Ignore the stairs
that we just went down, and instead take the door on either side of the room at
the top into the next area above. Avoid the enemies and go up the stairs at the
center of the corridor here. Get the Hourglass in the chest at the center of
the room here, then go up the stairs again and you'll be in the vacant
captain's quarters. Here, heal up and save your game at the save point. Then,
enter the portal at the righthand side of the screen. When you enter the poratl
you'll be taken to another room. DO NOT GO TO THE EXIT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE
ROOM! You will be taken to a far away part of the ship and you'll have to
traverse the entire ship again to get back to where you were!

Go up to where the man is standing and Philia will recognize him as Batista.
Philia tells Leon that he is a priest that she used to work with. When Philia
asks Batista where Lydon is, he says that if he is defeated in this battle he
will tell. Leon gives him a chance to surrender, but let the battle begin!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   E L E V E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Pirate x2, Monk Soldier, Batista

Monk Soldier
HP: 664      TP: 0   

HP: 494      TP: 60

HP: 4500     TP: 0      
EXP: 692     GALD: 460    LENS: 35

ITEMS WON: Green Gel, Bellebane

This is your first REAL boss battle. Batista can be a pain, especially because
he comes to battle with help. This battle is a toughie, your first real
challenge, so be ready.

Your first order of business, at all costs, should be to do away with the
Priestesses. They can cast magic, as we know already, and can be a real pain in
the ass if you let them cast away. They hide in the corners so do what you have
to do to take them out. Also, do away with the Monk Soldiers quickly, too, just
to clear up the battle field a bit.

Batista himself has no magic, but 4,500 HP to back him up. His Vega-like claw
(from the Street Fighter series) does some serious damage with his various
crazy attacks. Keep on him. Have Stahn attack away and Leon should cast
Stonewall on him. Mary should use Beast Blade and physical attacks. Have Rutee
focus on healing, and maybe throw in an Icewall or two if you can in between.
He should be mincemeat after a while.

- - - - - - - - - -

After the battle, Batista refuses to tell the whereabouts of Lydon. Leon
threatens him but to no avail. The party takes Batista back to shore, and once
in Neuestadt, Ilene and Leon go with Batista back to Ilene's after some
congratulations and such. Leon warns not to go "sight seeing" and to go
straight back to Ilene's house. So after you leave the Harbor area, you'll
automatically be at Ilene's mansion, and the interrogation of Batista begins.

Items to Find: None
***** ** ****

Enemies: None

Suggested Level: 21
********* *****

Batista insists he doesn't know anything, so to torture him, Leon takes the
tiara off of Mary and places it on Batista and begins to shock him, but to no
avail. In the mean time, Mary and Rutee leave to go to sleep and Ilene asks
Stahn on a "date" but then rephrases it as a tour of the city. Anyway, they
leave and Rutee gets jealous (she obviously has a thing for Stahn), so Mary and
Rutee go to follow them as they tour the city. As they go, the two spies are
behind them every step of the way.

Eventually, after a few minutes of this and that, some sight-seeing and "words"
between Stahn and Ilene, and two Softy Kreems later, the two go to the Arena.
To make a long story short, Ilene shows Stahn the arena, and then the actual
arena grounds where the battles take place. Bruiser Khang, the champion of the
arena (who hasn't lost in years) makes fun of the two, and after some words,
Stahn takes on Bruiser. Bruiser manhandles Stahn, to make a long story short,
and Stahn gets knocked out. When he wakes up, Ilene is right there and idolizes
Stahn for sticking up for her. She obviously has a thing for Stahn as well,
which is why Rutee is jealous. They go back to the house and the interrogation
is still taking place.

Batista still won't talk, and Leon tortures him to the point of knocking him
out. Leon leaves the room in a huff and all of a sudden, Philia has a
flashback. It's of her in the Tower of Knowledge doing latenight research, and
Batista shows compassion for her and helps her.

Batista then wakes up from his unconcsious state and tries to take the tiara
off but is shocked. He notices that the door is unlocked, however, and escapes.
The next morning, Philia and Stahn meet in the kitchen and Philia asks Stahn to
help her bring Batista some food. He does so and they go to his room but find
that he's no longer there! After some racket (and accustations, as Rutee
accuses Philia of letting Batista go on purpose), Leon wakes up and lets
everyone know that he did it on purpose. The Tiara on his head has the homing
beacon in it which the party will use to get to Lydon. Leon decides it's time
to head out, but not before Philia and Stahn have a heart to heart. =) Anyway,

The two go downstairs to meet up with the rest of the party. Leon accuses the
two of being "late" and he then asks Ilene's maid where she is. She tells the
party that she's at the dock. So head to the harbor at the east of town.

When you meet her at the ship, they tell her that Batista escapes and she says
that she heard. Leon tells everyone that according to the homing beacon, he's
in Aquaveil, a country that's practically at war with Seinegald. Fitzgald,
however, is on neutral terms with the country and so Leon decides that it's a
good idea to take a ship registered in Fitzgald to there instead. After some
deliberation, Ilene agrees, as long as it's only a one way trip. The party
agrees. Ilene orders the ship be readied, and you're on your way to Aquaveil.


Items to Find: SW060060

Enemies: Tortoise, G Leach, Tzin, Mandragora, Drillfish

Suggested Level: 21
********* *****



B. Sword             - 800 Gald
Splint Mail          - 440 Gald
Silver Cloak         - 480 Gald
Silver Chain         - 500 Gald
L. Shield            - 650 Gald
Ahmet Helm           - 480 Gald
Land Hat             - 340 Gald
Gauntlet             - 380 Gald

Equipment Shop ORIENT
Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P Bottle             - 80 Gald
R Bottle             - 500 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Cross Helm           - 650 Gald
A Charm              - 10,000 Gald


Shiny Junk           - 6,000 Gald
Pine Gel             - 1,000 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Winged Boots         - 2,000 Gald

Hide Tide Inn        - 100 Gald

This is a pretty nice town, with some nice people to talk to. However, your
main purpose here will be pretty short, so just go around and buy some stuff
from the shops if you want. Go to the bottom part of town, by the exit, and
talk to the woman to trigger a conversation. Afterwards, go to the docks on the
east part of the town. Talk to the man in red in the northern part here, and buy
the Shiny Junk from him. Use a Rune Bottle on it, and guess what, you'll get a
SWO600060 disc, which gives you a significant upgrade in the power department!
Give it to Stahn, and then talk to the sailor blocking the ship. Then talk to
the old man just south of where the sailor is. The cave will be opened, so go
onto the world map and head south into the cave! I do reccomend leveling up in
the overworld once or twice before going in, but you don't have to.
Items to Find: SP025062, Hourglass, P Bottle, Melange Gel, Life Bottle, Orange
Gel, Crescent Axe, Shelter, F Bottle 

Enemies: Slime, Winged Eye, Orgus

Suggested Level: 22
********* *****

You are now in the cave. When I first got in here, I just walked around
fighting enemies to raise my levels, since they give pretty good experience,
and aren't terribly tough. If you don't want to do that, just go down, then
left. Go behind the waterfall and you will find a Crescent Axe for Mary. Go
through the door, and get the Shelter Disc, which I gave to Philia. Go back
out, and then go out of this room, as well. Now, go left into the next room.

Get the Orange Gel, which is on the left of you, then go through the door. Go
left for one screen, and go down. Get the Life Bottle from the chest, then go
back into the previous room. Ascend up to the upper left part, and head through
the door to get to a Flare Bottle. Go out of this room, and go up into the next
room. Go right for one screen, and you will be back in the room with the Orange
Gel. Now, go left for a couple of screens. Look around the pond until you find
the stairs, then go across them and hop some ledges to get to a ?DISC. Use a
Rune Bottle on it to get the SPO25062 Disc. I didn't give this one to anyone,
although it would be good for Leon. 

Go back across the ledges, and go up. Go down the stairs you find, and head
left, through a door, to get to a Hourglass, then walk around the pond to get
to a P Bottle. Go all the way back to the first pond, and go north into the
next screen. Go up, then right, and down, into the next screen. Grab the
Melange Gel, then go back into the previous room. Head up, then left. Save at
the save point, and then go left. Follow the path, and in the upper left and
corner you will have to face a boss.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E L V E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Orgus Queen, Orgus x4

Orgus Queen
HP: 2800     TP: 0     WEAKNESS: Fire

Orgus x4
HP: 880      TP: 0     WEAKNESS: Fire
EXP: 1066    GALD: 418      LENS: 58


Your first priority should be to kill off the Orgi. Just use your special moves
to take care of them quickly. The Orgus Queen is not that tough, she has this
one move where she uses her tentacles to wrap around a character, but that
doesn't affect you all that much. Using your special moves on her will take her
out in about a minute or two. Leon can do Flying Dragon if you have it, Mary can
do Beast Blade, and Rutee can either heal or do Swipe Air. Tiger Blade is the
best choice for Stahn.

- - - - - - - - - -

There, that wasn't so bad, right? Go through the door and you will be on the
world map. Go southeast, and then head east around the mountains once you see a
road. Cross the bridge and you will be in Moreau.


Items to Find: Blue Talisman

Enemies: Tortoise, G Leach, Tzin, Mandragora, Drillfish

Suggested Level: 24
********* *****


Boat Shop PIRON

Moreau Homeware Shop
 - Equipment Shop PHANTASIA

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P Bottle             - 80 Gald
R Bottle             - 500 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Breastplate          - 540 Gald
Gauntlet             - 380 Gald

 - Equipment Shop MONKEY BIZ

Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald
Steak                - 1,500 Gald
Egg                  - 150 Gald
Beast Meat           - 400 Gald

Roast                - 600 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald
Steak                - 1,500 Gald
M. Pike              - 30 Gald
White Smelt          - 80 Gald
Eel                  - 2,000 Gald
Sea Bream            - 1,800 Gald
Tuna                 - 3,000 Gald
Prawn                - 1,200 Gald

Clothier COLORS

Cloak                - 6 Gald
A Cloak              - 280 Gald
Silver Cloak         - 460 Gald


Feather Hat          - 500 Gald
Beret                - 10 Gald
Land Hat             - 340 Gald
Ribbon               - 5 Gald
Blue Ribbon          - 220 Gald
S Ribbon             - 1,400 Gald


Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Apple                - 30 Gald
Persimmon            - 85 Gald
Chestnut             - 120 Gald
Silvervine           - 200 Gald
Grape                - 980 Gald

???? Items - Must use Rune Bottles on them

Long Sword           - 1,800 Gald
M. Sword             - 1,800 Gald
Rapier               - 1,800 Gald
M. Chain             - 2,000 Gald
L. Armor             - 2,000 Gald
Cloak                - 2,000 Gald
Lucky Cap            - 1,500 Gald
Beret                - 1,500 Gald
L. Helm              - 1,500 Gald
A. Charm             - 10,000 Gald
P. Charm             - 25,000 Gald

Weapon Shop SAMURAI
This is only open after you beat Batista.

Crescent Axe         - 1,160 Gald
Quartz Rod           - 100,000 Gald
Breastplate          - 540 Gald
S. Cloak             - 460 Gald
S. Chain             - 500 Gald
Cross Helm           - 650 Gald
L. Shield            - 630 Gald

Item Shop GOODS
This is only open after you beat Batista.

Mandolin             - 1,250 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald

Baku Inn             - 80 Gald 
When you enter this town, go straight right, and continue right, all the way to
the eastern part of the town, until you encounter a scene. Soldiers are
attacking a kid and his mom, so Stahn plays Mr. Hero and saves the day. After
you defeat the wimpy soldiers, the mom will thank you and run off. You will
then be chased by a bunch of soldiers, but Karyl will save you. He will then
join your party. You are now feel free to explore the town. Leveling up outside
of the town might seem like a good idea, but I advise you to wait just a second,
for good reason. Buy equipment for everyone, especially Karyl, and then go to
the southeastern part of town. The house of the people you saved is here. The
mom will ask you if you want a reward, so of course say no. She'll give you a
Blue Talisman. Now, try to go into the castle. Karyl will tell you you need a
boat to get in, so go to the dock in the southwestern part of town and tell the
guy you want to use the boat. Now you will automatically go into Moreau Castle.

Items to Find: Green Gel x15, Amethyst, Score B, Halberd, Melange Gel x5,
Swirling Flame, Sharp Stone, Orange Gel x5, Miracle Gel, Life Bottle, Valve

Enemies: Savage, Assassin, Imp, Power Stone, Killer Bee

Suggested Level: 24
********* *****

This is why I advised holding off building levels. First, talk to the woman in
the room, who turns out to be Fayte's wife. Get the Life Bottle in the lower
left corner of her room, then go into the next room. I built up my levels big
time here, all the way from 26 to 32. You don't have to go to that extreme, but
this is as good a place as any to build up levels. Having the following combo
works really well on a Power Stone, so just eliminate all other enemies in the
battle, having one Power Stone remaining. Stahn uses Spin Attack, and Leon does
Tiger Blade. Mary uses Beast Blade, and Rutee does Swipe Air. I managed to do 14
hit combos with this. The lowest max combo I do with this combination is 10, so
it's a nice way to build experience. Fayte will heal you if you need healing. 
Save at the save point, then go down, and get three Green Gels from the bushes.
Go left, then go through the door to the north. Head through this room, go left,
and get the Green Gel. Go through the door and get the Amethyst and Score B. Get
the two Green Gels in here behind the bushes, as well. Go up, and check the
valve. Shut it off, and there goes the water. Go back a few screens, and go
south when you can. Go down the stairs, and get the Green Gel and Halberd. Go
left into the next screen and push the brown block so it fills in the gap
between the two sections, since you need to fill the water up. Go left into the
next room, and do the same thing with this block. Go back to the valve and
switch it up, then walk across the path you made using the blocks. Get the four
Green Gels, Melange Gel, and Orange Gel along the way. Go through the door into
the next floor.

Here, get more Green Gels, then go down the stairs. Get the Melange Gel here,
and go through the door, where you can get another Melange Gel. Pull the block
so it fills up the gap, and then go up the stairs, and across the path you just
made. In the room, Karyl will sing, and the door will open, so he offers to stay
back so the party can go through. Leon, being the kind person he is, refuses to
trust Karyl, so you have to leave one person up. In the next room, you have to
solve a puzzle, but it's so bogus, involving piano sounds, that I'll just give
you the answer: going from left to right, think as the left most one being #1.
Push them in the following order: 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5. Wow, it's like a NBA
playoff seedings. The door will open, revealing a Valve Handle in the next

Go back to Karyl. Go back to the entrance and go up two screens. Go right, and
go down through the door. Get the Miracle Gel and then fill in the gap using
the block. Go north and open the door, where you will now be on the final floor.

This is a pretty simple floor. Go right one screen and save your game. Go up
and put the valve handle on, then turn the water off. Go down two screens and
get the Swirling Flame disc. Go up, and left one screen. Use the block to
create a path, and then cross the path you made. You will now be in a room with
four ways. South leads you out, but you won't be allowed to do that, east leads
you to a Melange Gel, and west leads you to Batista. Have your party be
Stahn/Leon/Mary/Rutee and then talk to Batista. He will challenge you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T H I R T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Batista, Sorceress x4

Sorceress x4
HP: 880      TP: 80

HP: 6000     TP: 0      
EXP: 1640    GALD: 666    LENS: 60


Your first priority should be to kill off the Sorceresses, of course. After
doing so, Batista is your main priority. He's really not all that bad. He has
6,000 HP, which is more then he had last time, and he has some new attacks. His
main attack has him jumping in the air and shooting at you with slime balls. He
also has some nice magic attacks, but he should rarely be able to pull them
off, if you keep up with the attacking. Stone Wall works very well against him.
Have everyone pull off their best attacks, and he should be able to go down in a
few minutes.

- - - - - - - - - -

After the battle, Batista will sadly pass away, much to the dismay of Phillia.
Leon shows no sympathy, as Batista basically caused his own death due to trying
to pull off the tiara that holds the electic shock wave currents. You will be
switched over to the prison cell, where Fayte will thank you. Back to the
Batista area, Philia will grieve for a while, and then rejoin you.


Items to Find: Miracle Gel, Bonito Flakes, Squid Jerky

Enemies: Tortoise, G Leach, Tzin, Mandragora, Drillfish

Suggested Level: 28
********* *****


Weapon Shop SAMURAI
This is only open after you beat Batista.

Crescent Axe         - 1,160 Gald
Quartz Rod           - 100,000 Gald
Breastplate          - 540 Gald
S. Cloak             - 460 Gald
S. Chain             - 500 Gald
Cross Helm           - 650 Gald
L. Shield            - 630 Gald

Item Shop GOODS
This is only open after you beat Batista.

Mandolin             - 1,250 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald

Now, you can do more stuff in Moreau. I completely missed this stuff my first
time through. There is a new puzzle game for you in the town park if you wish
to have some extra fun. You can now use the boat to your advantage. Take the
boat to the south house and get a Miracle Gel, then go to the north house to
get a Bonito Flakes and Squid Jerky. There is also a new weapon shop and items
shop available, although the items shop doesn't offer too much new. When you
are finished, go to the docks, talk to Fayte, and you will set sail to Terazzi.
However, a boat ride will never go smooth in this game, so you are attacked by a
monster called Kraken.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   F O U R T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Kraken

HP: 10,000   TP: 200    
EXP: 625     GALD: 420   LENS: 46


Wow, Kraken comes alone. This guy is pretty easy. He is very weak against fire
spells, and absorbs any ice and water spells, so you know what to use. I just
got him in a corner and kept hitting him with powerful magic spells and
attacks. He really wasn't all that tough, at all. He has 10,000 HP, which can
be chisled away in a minute or two if you are quick enough.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now, you will sail peacefully to Terazzi.


Items to Find: Miracle Gel, Pine Gel, Life Bottle 

Enemies: Tortoise, G Leach, Tzin, Mandragora, Drillfish

Suggested Level: 28
********* *****


Weapon Shop SAMURAI

Bastard Sword        - 800 Gald
Crescent Axe         - 1160 Gald
Halberd              - 1,225 Gald
Quartz Rod           - 100,000 Gald

Equipment Shop STILLWATER

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 gald
Spectacles           - 5 Gald
H. Bottle            - 40 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald

Gourmet Shop GOURMAND

Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald
Steak                - 1,500 Gald
Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Egg                  - 150 Gald
Beast Meat           - 400 Gald
M. Pike              - 30 Gald
White Smelt          - 80 Gald
Eel                  - 2,000 Gald
Sea Bream            - 1,800 Gald
Tuna                 - 3,000 Gald
Prawn                - 1,200 Gald


Breastplate          - 540 Gald
Plate Armor          - 820 Gald
Cloak                - 6 Gald
A. Cloak             - 280 Gald
Silver Cloak         - 460 Gald
Cross Helm           - 650 Gald
Light Shield         - 630 Gald

There's not much here to do at first, since all of the shops aren't selling you
anything, and there is no inn. Just go to the upper left corner of the harbor
and find a boat. You control it, so when it asks you, go left 3 times, and go
into the house to get a Miracle Gel and Pine Gel. Then, go right, up, and
right, and get a Life Bottle. Open the watergate, then go down, right, up,
right, up, and left. Enter the castle.


Items to Find: Bonito Flakes x3, Melange Gel x4, Lemon Gel x2, Pine Gel x4,
               Miracle Gel, Life Bottle x4, R. Orange, Loser, Green Gel x3,
Orange Gel x3, Juicy Beef x8, Chestnut x1, Persimmon x2, Plate Armor, Sour
Milk, Loser, W. Apple, Blowfish, Chicken, Cheese, Brie, Steak, Bread, T. Roast,
Roast, Beef, Apple, Eel, Revitalize

Enemies: Dragon Newt, Sorceress, Monk Warrior, Imp, Imp Snail, Warfish 

Suggested Level: 28
********* *****

Terazzi Castle is a terrific place to level up. I got all my characters to
level 38 in here, but then again, I am insane, so what do you expect? If you
get a lucky draw and fight decent enemies, which happens a lot, you'll get up
to 1776 experience points in one battle! Plus, you can heal in the main room if
you talk to the guard, but it'll cost you 1,500 Gald. There is some Plate Armor
in the healing room, so you might want to get that.

Go left into the next room, grabbing some treasure along the way, and then go
up in the next room. Hit the valve, then go down, right, and all the way right
into the next room. Go down into the next room, and go right into the next room
to get some Juicy Beef. Go back into the previous room, and go down into the
next room to get a Melange Gel and Juicy Beef. Go back in, and head left one
screen. Cross over the bridge and get the treasure, then go into the next room. 

Get the Life Bottle if you want, then go south into the next room. Pick up some
treasure along the way, and then go up the ladder. Get the Melange Gel, then go
into the next room. Get all nine treasure chests in here, and go up. Go to the
northeastern part of the room and go through the door to activate the switch,
then go down out of this room. Back in the main room, go down the stairs and
get the Pine Gel. Go back up, and head north and right into the next room. Get
the chess, then go into the next room. Head left for a couple of screens, and
push the plant into the hole in the floor. Now, go back down into the main
room, and go down this time.

Go right to collect a Life Bottle, and head up, collecting more treasure along
the way. in the next room, go left and move the plant onto the switch. Scurry
on through the door which conviently opened for you. Now, go north until you
get to a room with twelve doors. Go through them in this order: Goat, Water
Jugs, Fish, Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Woman, Scales, Scorpion, Bow and
Arrow. Thankfully, my girlfriend knows astrology or I would have been stuck
here. Save at the save point when you are done, and prepare to face your
toughest foe yet (HA!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   F I F T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Warrior x2, Tiberius, Sorceress

Monk Warrior x2
HP: 990      TP: 0

HP: 880      TP: 80

HP: 10,000   TP: 0      
EXP: 2182    GALD: 1256    LENS: 11

ITEMS WON: Sheeden

This battle wasn't as tough as I expected, but he still pulled off some pretty
nasty attacks, including a Light Sword attack which does severe damage to
everyone in your group. I just had Stahn doing his Tiger Blade and Dragon Blade
attacks over and over, but I needed to do Spin Slash a few times to get over
Tiberius to kill the Sorceress. I always have Rutee as "always heal party" so
my party was never in any significant danger, but if you don't have that
setting, then make sure she heals a lot, because Light Sword will kill you if
you are not careful.

- - - - - - - - - -

After the battle, all hell will break loose, as Tiberius will say that Ladon
already left for Phandaria, and Leon puts the final blow onto Tiberius. Kayte
now leaves your party, for now. Now thsat you have regained control, go right,
and follow the path, collecting more and more food, until you get the
Revitalize Disc, then leave the castle. Back in town, go north using the boat
into the true town, and walk around if you'd like. Then, go back to the docks
and prepare to set sail to Frostheim!

On the way there, have fun with a mini game. It's a Space Invaders type game,
and it's a lot of fun. 


Items to Find: None

Enemies: Beast Bear, Piyo Bird, Frost Bird 

Suggested Level: 33
********* *****


General Store SNOWSTORM

Ransuer              - 1,200 Gald
Compulsive Bow       - 1,850 Gald
Plate Armor          - 820 Gald
Magic Mesh           - 1,000 Gald
Magic Chain          - 1,080 Gald
Magic Helm           - 720 Gald
Magic Tiara          - 680 Gald
Bracelet             - 880 Gald
Fur Cape             - 885 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Crab Soup            - 4,000 Gald
Herring              - 600 Gald
Smelt                - 300 Gald
Crab                 - 3,200 Gald

Daybreak Inn         - 200 Gald

When you get here, Stahn will talk to Fayte for a while, and Mary will walk
off. When you gain control, go talk to Mary, who seems depressed about stuff.
Go to the Item Shop and get some armor and Fur Capes, which are essential for
where are about to go. Be sure to pick up 6...

Leave Frostheim and head southwest into the Tilso Forest. You have to fight
some soldiers here.


Items to Find: None

Enemies: None 

Suggested Level: 33
********* *****

You will be confronted by some soldiers and then forced to fight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   S I X T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Monk Warrior x2, Crow, Sorceress

Monk Warrior x2
HP: 990      TP: 0

HP: 880      TP: 80

HP: 550      TP: 0      
EXP: 679    GALD: 456    LENS: 11


Not a bad fight at all, you've seen all these enemies already except the crow.
Just use some quick attacks to take them out before you're forced to break a

- - - - - - - - - -

Garr will then rejoin your party. It's best to outfit him with the best
equipment, so go back to the shop and pick up some new stuff for him. Spend all
of your money (or as much as you can), then head out of here and go north into
the Frozen River.


Items to Find: Sorcerer's Ring, SW100100, Light, Rune Bottle, Mythril Sword

Enemies: Diamond Dust, Yeti, Crow, Combat Bunny, S Giant

Suggested Level: 33
********* *****

This is not the best place to level up, but the enemies do give some decent
experience points and gald, so feel free to do some battling here if you'd
like. Not like you have a choice in terms of battling, but you can do a lot if
you wanted to.

Go up, and then left, until you find a big ice block. Garr will give you a
Sorcerer's Ring, so equip it on him and press square to melt the Ice Block. You
can use the S. Ring at any time while it is equipped by pressing Square, but it
does cost 1 Lens each time you use it. Not like that's a big deal...

Go into the next area, and get the ?DISC. Identify it using a Rune Bottle to
get a SW100100 Disc, so give that to Stahn. Give Leon the Disc Stahn had if you
want. Go across the bridge, then head down into the next area. Do you see the
tree? Line yourself up next to it, then slide right. Hit the tree, then go down
into a chest containing a Light Disc. Go back up, and hit the tree, then go left
back to where you started. Hit the tree again, then go up, left, and up to get a
Mythril Sword. Now, go down, right, and down, then left back to the starting

Go down into the next path, and go to the left, then slide up. Slide right to
get the Rune Bottle. Go back to the start, and slide south, then go left, and
then right, and left again. Now, leave the area.

37.) IS MARY OK?

Items to Find: None

Enemies: Beast Bear, Piyo Bird, Frost Bunny

Suggested Level: 34
********* *****


Equipment Shop GLASS FOREST

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
R. Bottle            - 500 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Winged Boots         - 1,500 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald
Apple                - 30 Gald
Blueberry            - 250 Gald
Melon                - 2,200 Gald

Snowstorm Inn        - 200 Gald

Do not go into Heidelberg. This is optional, so feel free to go there now if
you want. If you want to see a scene with Mary that affects whether or not she
comes with you later, go south and west until you get to Cyril. Go into the
building in the lower left hand corner and watch the scenes where Mary regains
her memory to a certain extent. 


Items to Find: Liquer Bottle, Flare Bottle, Rotten Orange

Enemies: Beast Bear, Piyo Bird, Frost Bunny

Suggested Level: 34
********* *****


Oberon Corporation HEIDELBERG

Spectacles           - 5 Gald
Oberol C.            - 50 Gald
Oberol EX            - 300 Gald
Energy Bullet        - 320 Gald


Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Rune Bottle          - 500 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Winged Boots         - 1,500 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald

Equipment Shop ETERNITY

Mythril Sword        - 1,720 Gald
Mythril Axe          - 2,000 Gald
Mythril Mesh         - 1,000 Gald
Mythril Chain        - 1,080 Gald
Mythril Plate        - 1,100 Gald
Mythril Helmet       - 720 Gald
Mythril Glove        - 655 Gald
Bracelet             - 880 Gald

Heidelberg Inn       - 200 Gald

Go to the Soldier's Office and get some items there, then go to the castle,
where you will be confronted by the soldiers who recognize Garr. Stahn and
Rutee will end up in the prison, but Leon knows where they are due to the
Tiaras, so the group is reunited, minus Mary. Put Rutee, Philia, and Leon in
your party and  go right to get a Rotten Orange. Then, go up the stairs and
watch the scene, where Mary tries to remind Dalis of their past, but Dalis
refuses to buy into it. After a LONG scene, some soldiers find you, and it's
time to do battle!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   S E V E N T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Stray Monk x2, Dalis, Archer x2

HP: 7,500    TP: 0

Stray Monk x2 
HP: 1,300    TP: 0

Archer x2
HP: 900      TP: 0      
EXP: 1890    GALD: 904    LENS: 58


Dalis is only affected by magic, as regular attacks do pretty little damage.
Have Stahn and Leon do Vortex and Dragon Blade as Philia and Rutee pounds away
with their best magic. As long as you keep Rutee and Philia in the back row, so
Dalis can't hit them with Mind Sword, then you should be okay. Stahn and Leon's
attacks prevent him from doing much, anyways. The Archers in the back row are a
real pain, so make sure to finish them off as quickly as possible, using Spin
Slash to go around Dalis if you have to.

- - - - - - - - - -

39.) ESCAPE!

Items to Find: Mythril Tiara, Bracelet, Melange Gel, Bread, Sacred Text 5,
Winged Spear, Orange Gel

Enemies: Blood Slime, Ghoul, Specter, Skeleton

Suggested Level: 34
********* *****


Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
Rune Bottle          - 500 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Winged Boots         - 1,500 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald

Now, you have to get out of here, so watch the scene, and run off into the
cave. Drazen will take you into this room, where Mary will leave the party to
take care of Dalis. Too bad, she was a good character. The enemies in this
place don't give much experience and gald at all, so just get through here as
quickly as possible. Fighting four specters will net you a grand total of 0
Gald, but 114 Lens.

Leave the healing room and go into the door directly down to get a Bracelet,
then go all the way to the left and grab a Mythril Tiara. You can buy some
stuff at the Equipment Shop here if you like. Head out of this room, go all the
way right, then up, then right into the next room. Go right, up the ladder, and
go right, up, left, down, and right to get the Melange Gel, then slide left. Go
up, and left, then left twice, to get to a room with a tablet. If you have
Dymlos equipped and Missile Sword, answer "Fire Wall" and "Missile Sword" to
get the Fiery Wave special move. I love it, as it does 6 hits alone, leaving
room for big combos.

Go right two screens, and then go up to a ice platform, where you have to face
the Ice Golem.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   E I G H T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Ice Golem

HP: 6,000    TP: 400      WEAKNESS: Fire    
EXP: 1750    GALD: 0      LENS: 42


This battle is severely easy. Keep blasting away with Fiery Wave until he dies.
I think I got hit one time the entire battle...

- - - - - - - - - -

Then, use the S Ring to break a block of ice, then use it again to hit the
symbol, which opens up the door to the Castle. Get the chests for an Orange Gel
and Winged Spear, then go up the stairs.


Items to Find: Wind Spear, Pine Gel, Reflex, Aquamarine, Life Bottle, Orange
Gel, Hunter's Bow

Enemies: Clay Demon, Bishop, Archer, Ghoul, Gremlin, Holy Knight

Suggested Level: 35
********* *****

Go up two screens and enter the middle door, then take the left door to get to
the Wind Spear Disc. This allows you to perform the Air Slash skill. Now, go
out of this room, then head out of this room as well. Go right and enter the
door to get to a Pine Gel and Reflex. Light up the two torches you find, and a
secret door will open, and now the fun will begin!

Go right, and you will find yourself in a big room. You will see a bunch of lit
torches, but a couple of them are not lit. Light up the ones that aren't lit,
and then go to the upper right corner of the room. Enter through the door to
get the Aquamarine, then exit this room and proceed through the middle door. In
this room, go up, and move the statue with the lighted orb in front of the other
statue, and the curtain to the north will open, so go through the opening.

Now, you will be in a mechanical room full of gears and chains. Move to the
left, grabbing a Life Bottle, then move up along the chain. Hit the switch,
then go down, and climb up the chain to the right. Go right, and go across the
moving platform to the other side. Climb up the chain, then climb up the right
chain and hit the switch. Leave behind a party member, then go all the way back
down to the lowest level of this room, and go all the way right. Use the
elevator to proceed, and then climb up the chain. Step on the platform, face
north, and use the Sorcerer's Ring to melt the frozen pully.

Now, use the platform to go left, and get the Hunter's Bow. Go down the chain
to pick up your character, then go up, right, across the platform, up, left,
up, and through the door. Go through the next door, as well, then light up
every torch you find in this room. The door in the left has a thawed chain, so
use the S Ring to melt it, then go through the door on the right and turn the
wheel. Go back two rooms now, and go through the lower left hand corner's door.
Use the save point, and turn the wheel. Now, go back into the main hall with the
numerous doors and head through the middle door. Keep going up the stairs until
you get to Lydon. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   N I N E T E E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Holy Knight x2, Lydon, Bishop

HP: 13,000   TP: 999

Holy Knight x2 
HP: 1,420    TP: 0

HP: 1,380    TP: 164     
EXP: 4323    GALD: 1370    LENS: 172

ITEMS WON: Antidote Charm

This could prove to be your toughest battle yet, but there is a way to beat
him. My party was Stahn/Rutee/Garr/Philia. Lydon has 13,000 HP, so beating him
will be no easy task. He does some crazy attacks, including Wind Slash over and
over again, as well as a sweeping sword attack which acts sort of like Dragon
Blade. Have Stahn do spin Slash right away, then hack away on Lydon with his
most powerful moves, including Dragon Blade if you have it. Have the other
party members kill off the Holy Knights, and then have them start to target
Lydon. Usually, the computer will control the characters just fine, but make
sure to turn off magic spells before entering the battle, as magic does not
work all that well on Lydon. Lydon will probably do major damage to you, so
having Rutee doing Nurse a lot is a must. Life Bottles are important as well,
so make sure you have a few of them. Once you get Lydon in a corner, the battle
is pretty much yours, as his magic will no longer work.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now, Garr will finally get Igtenos back, and the Eye of Atamoni will be sealed.
However, you had to use the power of the Swordians to seal the Eye. Back in
Seinegald, talk to Rutee. The king will reward you and will give you the
Draconis to fly home, and now there will be an ending. Only it's not really an


Items to Find: Dymlos, Food Sack L, Black Onyx, Dark Bottle, Lemon Gel, Panacea

Enemies: Clay Demon, Bishop, Archer, Ghoul, Gremlin, Holy Knight

Suggested Level: 37
********* *****


Equipment Shop LIENEA

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald

The Market

  -Fish Shop TIDES

White Smelt          - 80 Gald
Eel                  - 2,000 Gald
Tuna                 - 3,000 Gald
Prawn                - 1,200 Gald

 -Butcher Shop GRADE A

Chicken              - 420 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald

 -Fruit Vendor GRADE A

Lemon                - 30 Gald
Apple                - 30 Gald
Strawberry           - 200 Gald

 -Bakery FLUFFE

Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Fitz Burger          - 180 Gald

 -Green Grocer ECHO

Vegetables           - 300 Gald
Wormy Apple          - 2 Gald
Persimmon            - 85 Gald
Chestnut             - 120 Gald
Silvervine           - 200 Gald
Grape                - 980 Gald

Free Inn at Stahn's House 

When the game starts up again after the false ending, you will see Stahn
talking to his grandpa and sister. His sister is really mad at Stahn, but
relieved to see him safe at the same time. It leads to some pretty interesting
dialouge. After a long scene, Lilith will ask you to get a fish, but first you
need to put your dishes in the sink, so do that, and she will allow you to
leave the house.

Before you get the fish, there's some things to do in this town. The shops
aren't open yet, but go into the house in the middle of the village and go into
the kitchen. There is a passage heading down, so go down this passage and get
the chests from there, which contain a Dark Bottle, Lemon Gel, and a Panacea

Go to the lower left hand corner of the town, and talk to the fish monger, who
is in the southwestern part of the room. He'll tell you he is out of fresh
fish, so you can either return to Lilith empty handed, catch a fish from the
village pond, or going to Neutstadt to get a fish. No matter what option you
choose, Lilith is going to be mad, so just return to her empty handed.

The next morning, Philia will accompany Lilith into the room. She'll tell Stahn
that the king of Seinegald needs to see them, because the Eye of Atamoni has
been stolen again. She'll hand Dymlos over to Stahn. Leave the house, then talk
to Lilith to get the Food Sack L, which holds up to 20,000 food items, more than
any other food sack in the game!

Now, go into the lower right hand corner of the town, if you have Stahn at
Level 33 and Dymlos at Level 34. For the first question, choose "Firestorm",
and for the second question, choose "Kick Attack." The screen will light up,
Stahn will be all happy, and you will learn his special skill "Dragon Toss",
which is not one of my favorite skills, but hey, a new skill never hurts.

Head into the village chief's house, located in the western part of the
village. Talk to the daughter of the chief, who will say she is in love with
Stahn. She will give you three choices. If you say you like her, she will give
you 3 Miracle Gels. If you say there's another girl, she'll still hand you the
Magic Mist item. If you say you love her too, she'll be so happy and fork over
the Black Onyx, an awesome item that raises the equipee's maximum Hit Points by
30 percent.


Items to Find: SP07115, Igtenos, Lute, Crossbow, SW130130, S. Halberd, Iron
Knuckle, H. Bottle, Miracle Gel, Pine Gel, Fenface, R. Bottle, Life Bottle

Enemies: Poison Snake, Vulture, Lizard, Hornet, Mandrake

Suggested Level: 37
********* *****



Equipment Shop GARLAND

Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Bread                - 20 Gald
Cheese               - 70 Gald
Beef                 - 1,000 Gald


Mythril Sword        - 1,720 Gald
Mythril Axe          - 2,000 Gald
Mythril Bow          - 2,160 Gald
Mythril Mesh         - 1,000 Gald
Mythril Chain        - 1,080 Gald
Mythril Plate        - 1,180 Gald
Mythril Helm         - 720 Gald
Mythril Tiara        - 680 Gald
Mythril Glove        - 655 Gald
Bracelet             - 880 Gald

Ghenen Inn           - 150 Gald

Once you are done in Lienea, go over to Neutstadt. There are some new mini
games here if you want to check them out, otherwise, go straight over to the
harbor. Talk to the captain, and he will ask you which party member you want to
get first, Garr or Rutee. I'd reccomend getting Garr first, but either one would
be fine, as you have to get both before leaving anyways.

Select Garr, and you will sail back to Frostheim. Once you get here, find the
peddler in the harbor and he will sell you a disc for 7,000 Gald. Buy it, as it
is the SP07115 disc. Now, head out of here, and go southwest through the forest.
Lydon has been cleared out of here, so you are free to move through here. You'll
end up near Cyril, so go into Mary's house. Talk to her, then move up on the
world map until you reach Heidelberg. Walk to the castle, and Garr will rejoin
your party. Go back to Frostheim and sail to Seinegald.

You will land in Darilsheid. Leave this town, go west, then south, wrapping
around the mountains. Now, go right, and go up once you reach the end of the
ice, to get to Cresta. Go to the orphanage, watch the scene, and Rutee will
rejoin your party. 

Once you have both Rutee and Garr in your party, go back to Darilshied, and
then enter the castle. Speak with the King, then go back to the first floor,
and go to the treasure rooms in the back, and get all the chests. 

Now, go to Hugo's Mansion. Go to the room with the book, which says LIBRA IV.
Return to the King, who will tell you to ask someone from Oberol. Go to the
first floor of the Mansion and find the bearded employee. He'll tell you that
Libra is an old Oberol factory near Cresta, but it has been shut down for
years. Go back to the castle, and the King will offer you a ship to go to this


Items to Find: Rubber Suit x2, ID Card B, Electrify, Reflex x2, Oberol C x3,
Oberol EX x2, E. Bullet, Gale Staff, Fine Shield, Oberol G, ID Card R

Enemies: Dark Knight, Blood Wolf, Black Knight

Suggested Level: 37
********* *****

When you enter the factory, the party will ask you if you still believe in
Leon. Say yes, and then move through the door, to get to a room with four
doors. Go left to get a Rubber Suit, then talk to the employee, and a battle
will ensue. Go right, use the right door going up, and press the lever. Then
get the Oberol C from the chest. Go through the door, grab the Reflex Armor
from the chest, then return to the room with the four doors. Use the left door
going up, and turn right, then go down into another room. Get the ID Card B
after defeating the employee.

Walk up, then turn left, then go up through the door. Go down the stairs and
get the Electrify disc, which gives you thunder blade. Now, hop on the conveyor
belt, and you will be in a room with two more conveyor belts. Go on the bottom
one to get to a room with a locked door and a blue panel next to it. Use the ID
Card B you won from the fight to activate the blue panel, which opens the locked
door. Get the chests in the room (Reflex, Rubber Suit), and defeat the employee.
Leave the room and go on the northern conveyor belt.

Go all the way back to the room with the four doors, and go up using the one to
the left. Go through the door in the top right corner and follow the path. Once
in the new area, go down into a hallway, then go left into another room and
defeat the employee, then grab the Gale Staff, Energy Bullet, and Oberol EX
from the chests. Go right, and go right again into a room with a computer in
the center. Check it, and enter the 3rd option first, then after that, the 4th
option. Blue and Metallic Blue. The door at the top will now open, so go
through it and defeat the employee to get the ID Card R.

Go down and go right to get to a door with a red panel. Use the ID Card R on it
to go through the now opened door. Walk up and go through the door to the right
to get a Fine Shield and Oberol EX. Go down, the go left and around the
console, get the Oberol C, then go left and down to get to a door, whcih is a
save point. Save your game, then leave the room. Go up, right, and get the
Oberol EX, then go through the door to get an Oberol G. Return to the large
room and use the door in the upper left hand corner, and talk to the employee,
who will fight you. Take the elevator behind him.


Items to Find: Strike Axe, Elixir, Pine Gel, Silver Plate, Rare Gauntlet, Ankh

Enemies: Evil Star, Black Knight, Cave Shark, Blue Ropes

Suggested Level: 40
********* *****

Go down one screen, then left. Get the Strike Axe from the chest, then go right
two screens. Walk to the right, go up the stairs, and go through the door. Go
behind the pillar to get a hidden chest containing an Elixir. Leave this room,
then go down, getting the Pine Gel along the way. Cross the bridge, and keep
going right across another bridge into the next screen. Go up and get the
Silver Plate, then take the western path. Keep going left for a few screens and
eventually you will reach a fork in the path. Go right and go into the room to
get an Oberol C and Rare Gauntlet. Now go left, and follow the path along the
bridge. Get the Ankh Shield, then keep going right until you get to the screen
with Hugo and Leon. Leon will battle you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Enemy: Leon

HP: 12,000   TP: 9,999     
EXP: 2875    GALD: 655    LENS: 45


If you think this battle is tough, you're wrong. Heh heh. First, Stahn should
keep using Dragon Blade over and over again, and if Leon happens to get too
close, just use the Force Skill to knock him out. Garr should use Mirage over
and over, while Rutee should cast power up spells on the party, then have her
steal or search for gald. Yes, you can search for gald during a boss battle.
It's that easy. Have Philia cast Holy Lance over and over. Leon should fall
quickly at this rate.

- - - - - - - - - -

Leon will then cause a huge flood, which will knock you right into the Draconis
of Hugo. The Aethersphere has now been formed!


Items to Find: Horn

Enemies: None

Suggested Level: 42
********* *****

The first thing I noticed was how the world map music has changed when you get
back to the world map. This is because the Aethersphere has now formed, which
is not the best thing that's ever happened to your group. I do like the song,
however, which is always a plus. Head into Seinegald and talk to the King to
get some information. Going over to the harbor enables you to continue your
quest, so do so, talking to the captain. 

He will leave you off in Radsirol, but there are no enemies this time, so just
go into the back room where Clemente was found earlier in the game. Baiker,
thee former leader of the earthbound troops, is in here, and he will give you a
VERY valuable item called the Horn, which allows you to summon the Sea Dragon at
any time. This means you can now go to a lot of towns and dungeons to get any
items you missed. However, Baiker needs an assistant, and you have a few
choices to select from. 

You can get a Junk Hunter from Junkland, the Elite Priest on the fifth floor of
the Tower of Knowledge, or a researcher at Otto's Lab. There's no real
significant differences between the three, so I just got the researcher from
Otto's Lab, as it's nearest to where you need to go, and the least amount of

First, however, getting two more party members in your party would be good. I
went for Karyl and Bruiser, but Chelsea would have been a better choice instead
of Karyl. Bruiser is in the Neuestadt Arena, and he will join you after you lay
the smackdown on him. Karyl is in the Moreau Town Square, around the same area
you got him before. Chelsea is in Heidelberg Castle. 

After you choose the characters you want, talk to the King of Darilshied and he
will tell you that Dr. Otto may be able to help you. Head out of the main castle
and go to the southwestern corner of the castle entrance area to get to Dr.
Otto's lab, but Dr. Otto won't help you. Talk to his assistant, who will help
you. Cool. Take him back to Radsirol and the control center, and Raiker will
tell you to get the Boot Disc from the Hidden Temple, located west of Lienea. 


Items to Find: Boot Disc

Enemies: Basilisk, Evil Star, Wisp, Ice Snail

Suggested Level: 42
********* *****

This is a rather straightfoward dungeon, just keep leaving party members behind
in each room until you get to the final room. For a quick time through here,
just leave Stahn behind early, and you will be done quickly. Once you are done
here, you will see a scene where Belcrant goes medievil on Terazzi.


Items to Find: Garnet, Wendiene, Pine Gel, Elixir, Orange Gel

Enemies: None

Suggested Level: 42
********* *****

Go back to Radsirol and give Raiker the Boot Disc, which enables you to go to
the Aethersphere. When it has landed, he will tell you to get to Dycroft and
destroy it. You can get a bunch of chests in here, and an Inn, so get them if
you wish, and now leave. You will be on the Aethersphere world map for the
first time.


Items to Find: None

Enemies: Trent, Puropulse, Dragon Knight, Impulse 

Suggested Level: 42
********* *****

The enemies in this area are pretty tough at first, especially the Impulse,
which can not be hit by magic attacks or any of Stahn's attacks. I only found
two attacks that did any sort of damage against him, and those were Philia's
Twin Bomb and Bruiser's 1-2 Combo. If anyone has any additional moves that work
against Impulse, feel free to email them to me (mcfaddendaman@aol.com)

I reccomend getting to about Level 44-46 here, which won't take all that long.
Getting to Level 48 would be fantastic, because then you could go back to
Seinegald Castle and get the Assassin skill, which does huge combo attacks
alone. I've done 22 hit combos using that skill alone. It makes leveling up a
whole lot easier, but you don't need to get it now.

Once you are done fighting, go up, right, down, and left to get to Ignasea.


Items to Find: Thunder Scepter, Oberol G, SW180180, Miracle Gel x3, Silver
Plate, Emerald Ring, S. Sword 

Enemies: Warrior, Healer, Placenta, Dark Mage, Kubitoom, Killamari, Phyloxin

Suggested Level: 45
********* *****

The enemies in here are not that bad, but there are some things to watch out
for. The Healer has the ability to heal their partners and themselves, and the
Dark Mage can pull off missile attacks and powerful spells. Making sure these
two enemies can't cast spells is essential to winning battles. The Kubitooms
and Killamaris can only be killed using thrusting attacks until they fall to
the ground. Otherwise, the enemies in here are average difficulty.

When you enter, you have to cross a bridge. Go through the door and you will be
in Ignasea. There is a teleporter to the left, but it will only work once you
activate it at the end of the dungeon, so yes, you will have to take the long
way through. Go right, and then up, and step on the teleporter and you will be
on Level 3 of Ignasea. A lot of the dungeons on the Aethesphere will follow
this maze-like pattern, so get used to it. Go left and get to the warp, which
takes you down to Level 2. Here, you can get a Thunder Scepter.

Ride back up to Level 3, and go back to the teleporter. This time, go up, and
then get on the first warp, which leads to an Oberol G. Take it, then go to the
teleporter in the upper right hand corner. Use this to get down to Level 2. On
Level 2, go down into the lower right hand corner, and use the teleporter to go
down to a room. Exit this room downward, and get the chests containing a Silver
Plate and Miracle Gel. I missed these my first time through. Oops. =) Teleport
back up to the place with the warp, and warp down to Level 1. Follow the path
to get to the next warp, and go right until you reach a fork in the maze. Keep
going right, and get the Slayer Sword from the chest. Go up, and the gate to
Dycroft is here.

However, the gate has already been destroyed by Hugo and his minions, which is
not that good of a thing. You will be automatically sent back to Radisrol,
where Raiker has to go to Plan B. Plan B is getting the Sky Cruiser from
Mikheil and taking it to Dycroft. Man, I don't like this game from here on out,
because all you have to do is keep finding ways to get out of situations that
don't make much sense, and the dungeons all turn into the same boring layout
from here all out. Oh well.

Rest up at the Inn, then go back to Ignasea. Go right, and then up, and step on
the teleporter and you will be on Level 3 of Ignasea. Go right, and then up, and
step on the teleporter and you will be on Level 3 of Ignasea. A lot of the
dungeons on the Aethesphere will follow this maze-like pattern, so get used to
it. Go up, and then get on the first warp, then go to the teleporter in the
upper right hand corner. Use this to get down to Level 2. 

Once on Level 2, head left, and skip the first two platform warps you see. Go
to the end, where you will find a chest containing the powerful SW180180 Disc,
which should be equipped on Stahn immedietaly. Go down the elevator, and head
up a little and take the first teleporter you come to. Go left and get the
Emerald Ring, which cuts MP usage by 33 percent. It's definitely a nice item to
have. =) Go back, and go up and right to get to another teleporter, which leads
to a Miracle Gel. You can never get enough of those. Go back to Level 2 now.

Go up and let and step on the warp. Follow the path, which leads to a warp to
level 3. Go down, right, and up, and use the upper warp to get a Miracle Gel.
Ride the elevator down to Level 2, and go onto the next elevator, then go down
to level 1. Use the teleporter, and go up to a gate door. This leads to a room
with a teleporter and a main teleporter in the middle surrounded by four
colored windows. Use the teleporter to go back to the entrance, now you can use
the teleporter from the entrance to the exit so you don't have to go through the
whole dungeon again. Head back to Radisrol to heal if you want, then go back to
the four colored windows room. 

Each of the next six dungeons has the same basic warp format, but throws little
tricks and puzzles in there. Go through the red colored window and step on the
teleporter to get to Josaia. 


Items to Find: Arc Wind, Bear Claw, Strengthen Disc

Enemies: Warrior, Healer, Placenta, Dark Mage, Kubitoom, Killamari, Phyloxin,

Suggested Level: 46
********* *****

This is a very odd maze that as you run around and collect all the eggs on one
level, which enables you to open up the path to the next level. There are no
random battles, but you can see the enemies, ala Chrono Trigger. There are all
the same enemies from Ignasea in here, and the only new enemy (Neuroids) is
really not that tough.

In Level 1, go down a little, then go left until you reach a fork in the path.
Go up, left, down, and right to get the first egg. Go back to the fork and head
straight right until you get to the next fork, and go down, right, up, and left
to get the next egg. Go back to the first fork and go down, and left, then go
down, left, down, and right to get the next egg. Go back to the fork and go up,
left, down, left, down, right, down, left to get the next egg, then go right,
down, right, down, right, and up to exit this level.

In Level 2, go left, up, left, up, right, down, and right to get the first egg.
Go left, up, left, up, and left to get the next egg. Go right, down, left to the
second fork, down, and left at the fork to get the next egg. Go right back to
the fork, go down, left, up, and right to get the next egg, then go left,
straight down, and right to get the final egg. Go left, up, right, and down to
the exit.

In Level 3, go up, right, up, and left to get the egg, then go up, left, and up
to get the next egg. Go down, right to the second fork, go up and right to get
the next egg. There is also an egg in the southeast corner, and the exit is all
the way in the northeastern corner.

In Level 4, go down, right, down, left, up, and left to et the first egg. Go up
to the second fork and go all the way left to get the second egg. Go down and
right at the first fork to get the next egg, then go down and left to get the
next egg. Go up, right, and up to get the final egg, then go down, left, up,
right at the second fork, and down at the first fork to get to the exit.

In Level 5, there is an Arc Wing to the north, a Bear Claw to the west, and a
Strengthen Disc to the south. The exit is in the northeastern corner.

When you exit, look at the map and go to the only dot you can get to. That's


Items to Find: Rare Shield, Winged Boots, H Bottle, Hourglass, Oberol G,
Burning Sword

Enemies: Mech Scorpion, Neuroids, Cotton Dust, Rota, Discus, Gas Cloud

Suggested Level: 46
********* *****

The maze is shaped a lot like the other mazes you will see in the Aethersphere,
but it also has this interesting dynamic that requires you to move colored tiles
around, but each time you move on a tile, all the tiles of the same color also
move, so you need to think quickly. The enemies in here are not that bad.

When you enter, use the yellow plate on the left to cross over to the other
side, then take the red plate to the center of the area. Get on the yellow
plate to the right and you will be back where you started. A red plate is on
the left, so use that and go down to the multilevel happy fun dungeon. Go to
Level 2 here by going to the far lower-right corner of this room.

Here, you have to make sure you cross the blocks as they are on screen, as they
do fall off, and if you happen to be on them, you will fall down. So hurry up
when you cross over them. Go left and you will be in another teleporter. Go in
it, then take the lift to the other side and hit Switch D. Go to the next
screen to get a Rare Shield, then go back to the maze. Go back to the elevator
and take the teleporter above it. Ride the lift and follow the parth until you
get to the teleporter, then go left to get to Level 3. 

Go across the platforms, then head down and right. Take the left teleporter and
head left one screen, then go up and take the lift across to get a chest
containing a Burning Sword. Go back to the teleporter, then take the teleporter
on the right. Go right one screen, then go up two screens. This is a pretty
tricky puzzle, but this is how you do it.

Activate the green switch, then get on the green plate. Flip the red switch in
the northeastern part of the room. Go down on the purple plate, then go on the
purple plate to the left. Get on the uncolored plate, and then move up using
the red plate. Move left on the blue plate, get on the aqua plate to the left,
and go down on the yellow plate. Go on the uncolored plate on the left, then go
down using the white plate. Then go on the white plate on the right, then go on
the top uncolored plate to get to a blue plate, which takes you to the next
warp. Simple. =)

You are now on Level 3. Ride the elevator down to Level 2, then go up and
teleport. Go up, across the lift, then go right into the next screen. Go to the
path on the right, and a lift should be there. Ride it south, then throw the
switch, go right, down, and left. Cross the platform, then go left to the next
lift. Cross the platforms and keep following the path until you get to a save
point. Save and go to Level 4.

Since you just saved, you don't really have to worry about falling here, but
try to manuever around the platforms without falling. Take the elevator at the
bottom, then go up through the door. Go north and you will be at a puzzle that
took me forever to figure out. Take the white block and put it near the spring,
but just a little to the left and a little below the top of it. Go to the bottom
of the spring, press circle, and as the spring goes forward, you need to move
the box in front of the spring so it gets jammed. Doing this enables you to
fight the boss. Rembrandt kills you quickly, and you start this battle with a
lot of hurt...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y  O N E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Rembrandt

HP: 15,000   TP: 0     
EXP: 3500    GALD: 2312   LENS: 56


You start off very weak, so RIGHT AWAY have all four people use at least
Melange Gels on themselves. Now, have Stahn attack with a powerful array of
skills, including Dragon Blade, so Rembrandt will have a tough time with
getting off his attacks, which are quite powerful. Have Rutee be the healer if
times are tough, but when she doesn't need to heal, have her keep using the
Thievery skill on Rembrant until she is successful. You will get a powerful
disc. Demon's Lance works very effective on him once she has stolen the disc.
He's not that bad as long as you heal right away in the beginning.

- - - - - - - - - -

After the battle, Rembrandt will explode, and Leon dies. Marian will then say
that she was hired by Hugo because she resembled Leon's mother. Marian will
then leave the sky cruiser via escape pod, and the party will get on the Sky
Cruiser. However, the Guardian Draconis will shoot you down. You now have two
new missions: go to Cloudius to deactivate the Guardian Draconis, and going to
Helraios to revive Igtenos. You can do these in any order, but I say go for
Helraios first, as you get Igtenos at a very low level and need to raise his
level quickly.

Go back to Radisrol, as some new shops have opened up.

Weapon Shop RADISROL

Destroyer            - 30,000 Gald
Strength Halberd     - 90,000 Gald
Energy Bullet        - 320 Gald


R. Plate             - 20,000 Gald
Holy Cloak           - 28,000 Gald
Rare Helm            - 14,000 Gald
Fine Hat             - 1,300 Gald
R. Gauntlet          - 18,000 Gald


Green Gel            - 30 Gald
Orange Gel           - 100 Gald
Melange Gel          - 120 Gald
Lemon Gel            - 250 Gald
Pine Gel             - 500 Gald
Life Bottle          - 150 Gald
R. Bottle            - 500 Gald
P. Bottle            - 80 Gald
Winged Boots         - 1,500 Gald

Help Yourself Inn    - 30 Gald

Buy some armor and weapons here, then go to Helraios. I do reccomend getting to
Level 48 and getting the Assassin Skill from Seinegald Castle now. Go to the
slab and answer Dragon Blade and Fiery Wave to get it, but you need to be Level
48. Now go to Helraios. How do you get there? Go to the teleporter room in
Ignasea and head to the green gate and you will be in Rodeon.


Items to Find: Ankh Shield, Warrior Symbol, Elven Bow

Enemies: Dark Mage, Healer, Warrior, Kubitoom, Killamari, Placenta

Suggested Level: 48
********* *****

This place is not that bad. The ememies can be easily killed using bombs if you
feel like it, but they're not that tough anyways.

Go down and use the teleporter to enter the maze. Go to the upper left area and
use the elevator, then use the elevator there to get to Level 1. Get the Ankh
Shield from the chest and go in the elevator and you should be in Level 2. Get
the Elven Bow from the chest here, and then use the elevator at the upper right
hand corner to get to the Warrior Symbol chest. Go down and get on the nearby
elevator to get to Level 4. Use the teleporter in the upper left corner to exit
this place.


Items to Find: Juicy Beef x8, Oberol G, Oberol EX x3, Score D, Card Key,
Volcano Disc, Flare Claw, Laser Blade, Flare Sword, Winged Boots, Igtenos

Enemies: Thelm, Paghoul, Aile, Discus

Suggested Level: 48
********* *****

This place is not as bad as some people make it out to be, although it does
have some annoying puzzles and a certain password that will drive anyone not
reading a guide insane.

When you enter, follow the path until you reach an area that contains three
doors. Take the door on the left, and then go through into the next door. There
are three Oberol EX's and an Oberol G on the bottom of this room. Go down, and
in the next room, go right one screen. Walk past the flamethrowers to get to
the next room which has a bunch of conveyor belts. Walk up the silver platform,
and get on the conveyor belt to the right. When you get off, go right, left,
right, right, up, ad up to get the Score D. Go back to the start, climb on the
left platform, and go right, up, right, up, up, left, right, and up to get to
the exit, then go to the side room to get some Juicy Beef and the shiny new
Volcano Disc. Go in the middle room to get the valuable Card Key.

Go all the way back to the room with three doors, and take the middle door.
Unlock the door using the Card Key in the computer next to the door, and go
through. Go to the last door to get the Flare Claw for Bruiser, then take the
second door going up and go right to get to the next door. Run through the
flamethrowers to get to the save point. In the next room, enter GIFT and then
FATE to unlock the door. You'll also get a Laser Blade this way. Run by all the
flame throwers and go into the upper left exit. Ilene will now confront you, and
you will have to fight her, after she reveals her plan for a new utopia with

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y  T W O
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Ilene

HP: 13,000   TP: 800     
EXP: 3500    GALD: 1980   LENS: 60

ITEMS WON: Mind Ring

Ilene is not really all that tough, as she will only do some attacks once in a
while, as you can pummel her from the start using Dragon Blade with Stahn and
Mirage with Garr. If you got Assassin, use it to provide a lot of attack
stoppage and combo damage, otherwise, Dragon Blade and Missile Sword work fine.
There is a cannon on top shooting at you, but it's no big deal. You can steal a
Mind Ring using Rutee, but it's not neccessary.

- - - - - - - - - -

Ilene will jump off Helraios after realizing how wrong she was for trusting
Hugo, which makes Stahn very sad. As he mopes, Philia and Garr repair Igtenos.
Don't equip it as your weapon yet, as you need it to level up a lot for it to
be an effective weapon, but make sure to have it equipped as your swordian, and
put on it a disc like the Thunder Disc. Open the chest to get the Winged Boots
and use them to warp outside, then go back to Radisrol.


Items to Find: Score C, Life Bottle, Miracle Gel, Pine Gel, Lemon Gel, Melange
Gel, Orange Gel, Green Gel, Bronze Key, Earth, Ribber Suit, Iron Key, Gold Key,

Enemies: Killamari, Kubitoom 

Suggested Level: 49
********* *****

In Ignasea, use the yellow warp to take you to Deimos. Go west and you will
reach an interesection. Go down and you will be in a large room. Go down the
flight of stairs, and go left. Go down all the stairs and follow the path to
get the chests which contain a bunch of healing items. Now, go back along the
path, up all the stairs, go right and up the stairs to get back to the large
room. Go into the upper right hand corner and get the Score C. Go back down to
the main room and find the mouse, which you will have to fight to get a Bronze
Key. Get the other two mice to get Iron Key and Gold Key, and you will have all
3 keys.

Go up, and when you get to the path, go up through the door, and then search
the lower left corner to get a Guitar. Go up to the door and search it and
insert the three keys. Now, go up and search the machine, and again use the
keys on them. A door will open, so go back to where you found the keys from the
mice, and go into the lower right hand corner. Go down, right, down, and left,
going past the door, into a large room. Get the Earth Disc and Rubber Suit,
then go back through the door you didn't go through. Go down and you will be
out of here. Now, head to Cloudius.


Items to Find: Crescent Bow, Lucky Blade, P. Ring, GC Rod, Elven Cape, Sacred
Text 7, Tornado, Egg 

Enemies: Alra, Boneshroom, Cotton Dust, Arachnid, Evil Eye, Kubitoom,
Killamari, Phyloxin, Neuroids, Ogre

Suggested Level: 49
********* ***** 

Step on the teleporter and you will be in another one of those fun mazes that I
adore oh so much. Go left and down and enter the teleporter and you will be in a
small room. Get the Crescent Bow here, then go back up and go to the upper
right, then left and down and ride the elevator to get to Level 2.

In Level 2, head to the lower right corner and use the teleporter to get to a
room with the Lucky Blade. Go back up and go to the northern part of the area,
and take the elevator on the left to get to Level 3.

In Level 3, head down and right to get to Level 4.

Now in Level 4, go up a little, then go left. Go through the teleporter to get
to a room with an Elven Cape, P. Ring, and the GC Rod. This rod allows you to
get to the Tower of Druaga, so hold on to it, despite the fact it sucks big
time as a weapon. Head to the lower left of the main area of Level 4, then go
up, right, and up to the elevator which takes you to Level 5.

On Level 5, go down to the bottom part of the maze, go left, and up to another

You can get the Hellfire special skill here for Stahn. If you are on Level 38,
which you should be, read the tablet and answer Flare Tornado for the first and
Force for the second.

In the next room, the puzzle will begin. Go through the door and up the stairs.
Get the Tornado disc, and push the star through the hole on the left. Go back
down the stairs, then put the moon over the clock in the bottom part of the
circle. Put the sun on the northern part of the cross, and then take the
unmarked ball and put it on that little ring you see in the lower left hand
corner. Took me a while to figure that one out. =D Now, you have Saturn, so put
that on the eastern part of the cross. Stand in the middle and shoot the sun
with the Sorcerer's Ring.

Go back and save at the save point, and go back to the maze. Go down, right,
up, and right, and use the teleporter. Heal up here, and go up to confront

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y    T H R E E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Baruk, Earthworm x3

HP: 15,000   TP: 0

Earthworm x3 
HP: 2,835    TP: 0

HP: 1,380    TP: 164     
EXP: 5075    GALD: 1829    LENS: 76

ITEMS WON: Dark Bottle

This battle is really not that tough at all. First off, kill those annoying
Earthworms, who can poison you and move around a lot. After they're destroyed,
you won't have much of a problem handling Baruk. Dragon Blade works well
against him, as does Assassin, if you have it. Hellfire does not work well, and
some magic spells are ineffective against him. Garr casting Demon Lance combined
with Philia's magic and Stahn's major attacks should mean a quick battle.

- - - - - - - - - -

Get the Egg from the throne after the battle, and then go up to the wall and
hit the switch. Use the Winged Boots to get out of here, and go back to


Items to Find: Score E, Blizzard Disc, SP100300 Disc, Duel Sword, Mercy Disc,
Silver Cape

Enemies: Evil Sword, Healer Knight, Druid, Balrog 

Suggested Level: 51
********* *****

When you have completed both Deimos and Helraios and are ready to go to
Belcrant, go to Ignasea and warp to Josaia. Take the Sky Cruiser to land in
Belcrant. It's party time!

Go north and get the Score E from the chest, then go on the elevator and take
it downwards. When it comes to a stop, you can collect the Blizzard Disc from
the chest. Go up and head to the elevator, then take it up to the third floor.
On the third floor, go to the upper right hand corner of the room and snare the
Duel Sword from the chest. The elevator is in the left hand side of the room,
along with a SP100300 Disc.

On the fourth floor, head north and board the elevator to reach level 5. Get
the Mercy Disc from the center, and go to the lower left hand corner to get to
the next floor. Once there, go to the right hand side to get the Silver Cape,
then walk onto the teleporter in the center of the room. Step on the up arrow,
then go back up to Level 6, and step on the green dot again. You will face Hugo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y    F O U R
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Enemy: Hugo

HP: 20,000    TP: 999    
EXP: 4400    GALD: 3200    LENS: 25

ITEMS WON: Mystic Symbol

Not really that tough of a battle at all. Have Stahn do Dragon Blade, while
Rutee tries to steal the Mystic Symbol from him, or heal the party if needed.
Your other two characters should make sure that Hugo doesn't get a chance to
pull off anything too bad, especially an attack called "Divine Power". If he
does that, you better be ready to heal! Philia should be casting Holy Lance or
Holy Wrath, while Garr's Demon's Lance spell is particuarly deadly. 

- - - - - - - - - - 

After the fight, Berseilus will say that he controlled Hugo all along. Now, the
final boss, Kronos, will appear. Does every Playstation RPG have to have a
"secret" final boss? Why can't the person you think is the final boss be the
final boss? Ah well. Kronos will complete the Aethersphere, which drops to
earth, but Fayte will seal your fate and help you out.


Items to Find: None

Enemies: Dragonfly, Viper, Grizzly, Killer Owl, Vorpal Bunny, Ogre

Suggested Level: 51
********* *****

The King will meet with you and tell you that Radisrol has been taken over and
tell you that Harmentz, Armeida, and Cresta are under attack. Go save one of
the towns by beating some Ogres, then go back to the king, who will tell you to
go to the war room. Go there, and watch the scene, and you will have to go to
Swordian R&D Lab and Trash Mountain. You can do them in any order.


Items to Find: RC Rod, Vorpal Sword, Beam Shield, SP240360, SW350350, Hellfire

Enemies: Ray, Red Roper, Flame, Lens Golem, Skeleton, Gas Cloud, Whyte, Smog

Suggested Level: 52
********* *****

The Swordian R&D Lab is to the norheast of Armeida and you must walk to get
there. This is a fire elemental place, so turn off all your fire spells and
give Stahn a different sword before entering. Once in, go up and shoot the
pillar with the Sorceror's Ring. Go up into the next screen. At the fork, go
down into a cave, and answer Explosion and Vortex to get the Flame Vortex skill.

Go out of the cave, and go right, getting the Vorpal Sword along the way. Go up
into a puzzle room, then follow these easy directions to get out of this room.
Go up onto the first platform and shoot the pillar to the left. Go up one
platform, go right three, avoiding the brown circles, and shoot the pillar,
then get all the chests, and head to the topmost platform. Walk out on the
stones and go into the next room. Here, go left, then down, and cross the
bridge, then shoot the pillar. Walk across the bridge that was formed, get the
Beam Shield, walk across the southern bridge, and head north to enter the Lab.

Here, you have to shoot certain devices. With the rows from front to back going
1 to 4, and the columns from left to right going 1 to 5, shoot the following
devices (line up the row and column, row is first, column second). (1,3),
(1,4), (2,5), (3,3), (3,4). Now, your swordians will be all powered up and you
can go to trash mountain!


Items to Find: Bahamut's Tear, Score F, Winged Boots, Star Helm, Doom Blade,
Dragon Fang, Thunder Disc, Flare Rod, SW400400, Belselium

Enemies: Earthworm, Ray, Smog, Bone Knight, Whyte, Zombie

Suggested Level: 53
********* *****

To get to Trash Mountain, located in Junkland, go to Calviola and head west,
then down, left, up, and right. Here, buy 15 Neutralizers from the Item Shop
and enter Trash Mountain, located in the northern section of the town. As soon
as you enter, use a Neutralizer, and each time that circle around you
disappears, use another one, so you won't sustain any damage when you run into
gas clouds.

Go up, and once you get to the fork, go left. Walk up to the wall at the end
and press circle, and go into the large room. Go to the upper left hand corner
and enter the next room to get the Bahamut's Tear. Go back one screen, and
break the wall in the upper right to get the Score F. Then, go back through the
big room, and go back to the hallway. Go left, then down, and descend the rope.
Get the Winged Boots, and go down another level. On the lower right hand
corner, get the ?HELM and turn it into a Star Helm. Go all the way back to the
beginning now, and when you reach that fork, don't go left, go right this time.

Break through the first crack in the wall and get the Doom Blade from the
chest. Don't equip it until you get out of here, as it will heal some enemies
in here. Go down, and then head right past the open door to another cracked
one. Walk up to the rope and go down it. Then, go right, and turn down, then go
left and take the exit to the left, then go to the left again, and keep going
until you get the Dragon Fang for Bruiser. Go back right, then up, then up, and
take the first turn to the left. Keep going left until you can't go left any
more, then go down  until you reach the rope, which you can go down.

Go down and right, then open up the cracks in the wall. Then drag the rock
along and push it through the hole in the floor. Go right and get the Thunder
Disc, then crack the wall and go through, then go left. Break through the wall
in this room to get some items from the chests, go back out, and go left and
plug up the hole again. Go down and follow the path to get the Belselium, and
you will be all done in here.

Thankfully. =)


Items to Find: Lens (x3), Old Cane, Holy Symbol, Golden Frypan

Enemies: Dragonfly, Viper, Grzzily, Killer Owl, Vorpal Bunny

Suggested Level: 54
********* *****

Go to Darilsheid Castle and talk to the king. You will find out that the Lens
Cannon needs more Lens, so the king tells you to get three Lens from Armeida,
Cresta, and Harmentz. Go to the war room and talk to the mayor of Armeida, then
go to Straylize Forest. Next to the sacred stone lies an Ogre, so beat him and
get the first Lens. Go to Harmentz (southwest of Darilsheid) and talk to Walt,
hand him all your gald, and he'll give you a Lens. Go to the lower left room
here to get an Old Cane, and have it identified to get the BC Rod. Walt will
give you all your money back as you leave. Now, go east until you get to
Vresta, and talk to the mayor. Now, go dig near the tree, then talk to the nun.
Enter the storage shed and dig around until you get the final Lens. Go back to
Darilsheid and that's that! Now that you have the Draconis, you can get all the
bonus items and side quests, but if you don't want to, it's time to finish the


Items to Find: Star Shield, Star Glove, SP300410, Star Cap, Terra, Soul Steel,
Fragment x4, Delis Emblem, Resist Ring, Shamisen

Enemies: Aerial Knight, Nightingale, Hellmaster, Wizard, Dragontooth, Basilisk

Suggested Level: 55
********* *****

When you are ready, board the Draconis and choose to fly to Dycroft. Enter, and
go up to the fork, then go left for a Star Shield and right for a Shamisen.
Then, take the northern part of the fork to the mirror, which will teleport
you. Head down to the next screen, then climb up the stairs, and go right, then
use yet another mirror to teleport. Go down and open the chests for some Terra
Armor and the first fragment. One down, three to go. 

Go back, and continue to the right, going right, up, down, left, and you will
come to another fork, then go up, get the SP300410, and go up some more to get
a Star Glove and the second fragment. Two down, two to go.

Go back down, and continue through the hallway until you get to another mirror.
Warp through it, then go left and up the stairs. Take the mirror on the left to
get a Fragment, then the one in the middle to get a Star Cap. Now head through
the mirror on the right, then go down, left, and up the stairs to the next
screen. Go down and step on the circle, and you will be in a jail alone. Go
right and get the fourth fragment, and a Soul Steel. Take the stairs on the
upper left once you have everyone back. Go past the save point and exit through
the door to the south, and step on the circle. You'll get the Delis Emblem. 

Now, go down, and then left, walk past the mirros, going south, and take the
door at the bottom to get a Resist Ring. Leave the room and go up the stairs to
the right. Go right, then go down all the stairs, then go through the door in
the next room. You will be in a room with a bunch of mirrors, so go two rows
up, and one mirror to the left, and smash it to reveal a staircase, so go


Items to Find: Cutie Mitten, Star Cloak, Faerie Ring

Enemies: Aerial Knight, Nightingale, Hellmaster, Wizard, Dragontooth, Basilisk
King, Clone


Suggested Level: 56
********* *****

Ah, the maze that took me a week to figure out. There's no random battles in
here, but walking in front of a mirror triggers a battle with a clone of Stahn,
so use a coffin to block the mirror.

Save at the save point, then leave the first room and head right into the next
room. Go down, and search along the right wing to find a door, then take it
downwards, then go right along the hallway to get the Cutie Mitten, then
continue following the path. When you reach a fork, go down, and head right
into the next screen. Go down, then left, and keep going until you get to a
crystal. Examine it, and it will shatter. Now, go one screen to the right and
flip the switch. Go right, and into the next room. Get the Faerie Ring, and
make your way through the room. Once in the next room, step on the circle and
you will get to talk to the other characters.

Go back to the dark room, and exit to the right. Point the crystal north (not
up), then go back to the room that had the switch. Go to the southwestern
corner and go down into a room with the green crystal, and point that to the
east. Leave this room, then go left, and keep going until you get to the blue
crystal, then have it point up. Go up, and head to the upper right and point
the crystal to the west. Go back to the main room, and go right, then go up at
the fork. Turn the switch off, the walk right until you et to the purple
crystal, which needs to be pointing to the south. Go back to the dark room and
get the Star Cloak, then go down and right, and go north into a room. Go right,
and you will see two doors. The top one has the red crystal (east), and the
south one has the light blue crystal (west).

Go back to the room where your characters are, and the circle will teleport you
to where the party is. Save your game and equip your characters properly. Head
right, then go onto the second floor, and step on the teleporter. Go right,
down the stairs, and go down to the next screen. Step on the insignia on the
ground, and go left to use the teleporter. Examine the wall pannel, and then
teleport back, heading right, and go one screen up. Go left and teleport. Go
left, then up, and use each of the teleporters to flip the panel. Go back to
the main room and examine the rotating panel, and go up to save. Now, Kronos is
here, and it's party time!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y    F I V E
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Enemy: Leon

HP: 16,000    TP: 9,999    
EXP: 4000    GALD: 1520    LENS: 5


He's simple, just trap him in the corner, and have a magic user blast him with
Holy Lance until he dies.

- - - - - - - - - - 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y    S I X
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Enemy: Kronos

HP: 10,000    TP: 200    
EXP: 5600    GALD: 0    LENS: 99

ITEMS WON: Miracle Gel

The toughest part about him is that he is flying, so Stahn will need to be
using Slash Attack, while the others should be using spells and jumping
attacks. After a while, he will die, and the real fun will begin.

- - - - - - - - - - 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 B O S S   F I G H T   T W E N T Y    S E V E N
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enemy: Ultra Kronos

HP: 30,000    TP: 9,999    
EXP: -       GALD: -     LENS: -

ITEMS WON: Mystic Symbol

Man, what an easy final boss. He's not even flying, so you don't have to worry
about using weaker attacks just to try to ground him. Just have your magic
users heal and blast him with Holy Lance and Demon's Lance while Stahn uses his
most powerful skills and Ultra Kronos will be Ultra dead. He teleports, so just
run around if he does that a lot.

- - - - - - - - - - 

Now, enjoy the dumb ending, and congratulate yourself for beating this great

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