Best MMORPG 2014

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Wildstar is a MMORPG with a unique concept in all aspects , ranging from its activities , battle system , profession system , up to the presentation . Wildstar using graphic design that makes me reminded of 3D animated films like Despicable Me and entangled . Wildstar gameplay promises an exciting and fast - paced , where all fight the enemy will issue a " projection " direction of attack that you can avoid before they were carried out .Wildstar has an interesting concept where you can choose one of four " professions " that will determine what kind of quest. For example , the explorer will get a quest that focuses on running the race and achieve the unique places that are difficult to reach , while the soldier will get a quest to fight dangerous monsters are much harder than ordinary monsters .Wildstar also have a home system that seemed very exciting . We have had a lot of MMORPG games that allow you to have a home , but in Wildstar you will not only have a home , but an ISLAND ! Yep , every player will have a free mini island decorated . In addition , Wildstar Online also has a complex system of decoration where you put furniture freely free . Currently I think Wildstar have a great opportunity to be the best MMORPG and busiest in 2014.

 Release Date: Q1 2014 | Website: WildStar

For those who ever played Skyrim should have heard of MMORPGs this one and already can't wait wait to taste it. Elder Scrolls Online is the first MMORPG game from Bethesda is famous thanks to RPG Elder Scrolls series and Fallout which is known by many gamers as one of the RPG with a very good sandbox system. Unlike most other MMORPGS, in Elder Scrolls Online all seranganmu will be done manually and hack and slash style in a first person perspective. Does that mean you'll play the RPG that feels like playing FPS! Elder Scrolls Online also promised a system class that is not linear, where you can shape the character with different capacities and doesn't make sense though. Want to make soldiers with thick armor that clever magic? Can. The magician's clever use of bows and arrows? Can. Elder Scrolls Online also has world PVP system where there are three factions that you can select. The war will be carried.

  Release Date: Q1 2014 | Website: Elder Scrolls Online

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