Add 33 Game GameGadget SEGA Megadrive classic On

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GameGadget is said to have added 33 new games in the SEGA Megadrive collection of them. The users can already download it via GameGadget GameGadget Apllication Marketplace. SEGA products are planned to be released in late April. GameGadget actually contain many types of classic game made ​​by SEGA, but the Japanese company Sega Megadrive was issued to add 33 other classic games collection to pamper its users.
Selain itu, SEGA juga membuat layanan GameGadget Apllication yang memungkinkan pengguna mengakses semua game dan mengunduhnya langsung ke perangkat. Namun pengguna harus merogoh koceknya untuk mendapatkan game-game yang tersedia. Harga permainan bervariasi dari 2.99 euro sampai 4.99 euro.
Dikabarkan SEGA akan merilis GameGadget pada tanggal 27 April dengan biaya 99.99 euro.

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