Walktrought Pokemon Black Part 1

Diposkan oleh Unknown

Nuvema Town

  Professor Juniper left you a present! And your friends came to check it
out. You're all allowed to pick one Pokemon out of the box. Choose wisely,
it'll be a valued companion.

  None has an obvious advantage over the other at this moment so your choice
does not affect the following battles. Pick which one you like the most or
take a look at the evolutions.

  After you picked your Pokemon you battle them both. No worries, you are
getting healed in between them both.

  Not that it matters in the fight, all you can choose is Tackle, which is
a Normal Type Attack and as such does not benefit from any of the three

  Tackle away and you should win. If you lose, you might want to consider
restarting as you'll miss out on 500 Yen.

  Cheren will heal your Pokemon. And challenge you for another battle,
as if your room wasn't messy enough.
  However, the facts remain as they were, there is no type advantage to be
used at this stage yet. So Tackle away for victory. Again, if you lose,
consider restarting as you can miss out on another 500 Yen. And if you won
both, you'll have gained a level. Congratulations!

  After having won (and yes, you should have), go downstairs and your mom
will give you your Xtransreceiver. For more information on the Xtransreceiver
see the Xtransreceiver section. Exit your house.

  Once outside you'll see Bianca running off to her house. There isn't
anything else you can do here yet, so follow her to her house (in the
south east corner). Watch the scene unfold in front of you until Bianca storms
out of the house. Leave the house and find her and cheren in the north west
corner of the town in front of the Professor's Lab. Talk to them and you'll
go inside.

  There you'll find the professor and she'll start talking to you. After
giving you a Pokedex the professor leaves the Lab and you should follow
her outside. Once outside, your mom will give you a world map.

  NOTE: From now on your Pokemon can be healed when you talk to your mom.

  Go to the exit where you'll find Bianca and Cheren. When you approach them
a scene will start. And you will arrive on...

Route 1
 A small road by the shore, where you can enjoy the seascape in peace.
  When first arriving on this route, you'll meet up with the Professor, where
she gives you a lesson on batlling and capturing Pokemon. After the battle's
over she hands you 5 PokeBalls for you to catch and she leaves. Bianca and
Cheren discuss some stuff as well and they too leave you behind.

  If your Pokemon get hurt, remember that your mom can heal them.

  In the second patch of grass, there is a girl standing. Talk to her to
get a free Potion.

  Make your way up north until you see Cheren and Bianca standing. When you
approach Bianca she will ask you a question. Answer yes and you will get a
phone call from the Professor. When the call is over Bianca and Cheren leave
you behind. Follow them to get to...

Accumula Town

This town offers great views due to its many hills. 
 Go to the PokeCenter to meet the Professor. She will take you inside
and talk to you about the new and improved Centers. PokeCenters now include
PokeMarts as well! You have to talk to the lady behind the counter. She'll
then take you to the pc and then to the Mart section.

  Use any of the facilities for as long as you like. When you exit there are
two guys talking in front of the Center. Follow them to the left and join the
crowd as they watch the Team Plasma. After they finish their speech, N will
challenge you to a battle.

  After your battle, heal up, buy some items, do what you want. One thing
that's pretty cool to check out is the house above the Center. You'll find
a pianist and a drummer there. Talk to them to have them play along the
theme song.
When you're ready go to the north western exit to reach...

Route 2 

A pastoral road where novice Trainers can challenge one another. 
  As you arrive on this route, your mother gives you a phone call. But wait!
She's right behind you! Luckily she has a present for you: Running
Shoes. To the south you'll see a big boulder, which you'll need Strength for.

  Make your way through the Route battling and picking up Items as you go.

  When you try to exit the route to the north, Bianca will stop you and
challenge you to a fight.                

  After you beat Bianca go north and enter...

 Striaton City 

 Entry stairs built in memory of a former home in a snowier climate.

  Heal up at the Pokemon Center and enter the building east of the Pokemon
Center. Approach the blackboard and talk to Cheren for a fight after
answering "yes" to both his questions.

   Same as with Bianca. Easy fight and you get 3 berries afterwards! Now,
heal up, buy some items or whatever you want. If you want to have an easier
time facing the gym or just a free Pokemon, take a little detour to the east
to the...


A plant site used as a playground for children and Pokemon.
  After the second trainer, there is a guy. Talk to him and answer "yes" to
his question and you will receive on of the "Monkey" Pokemon the gym leaders
are using. You'll receive the one your starter is strong against.

  If you picked Snivy, you'll receive Panpour.
  If you picked Tepig, you'll receive Pansage.
  If you picked Oshawott, you'll receive Pansear.

  Return to Striaton City and take care of business. When you're done, enter
the building to the right of the Center.
  As soon as you enter the gym, the traditional "Gym coach" will approach
you. He will give you a fresh water, which may come in handy.

  The puzzle in this gym is rather simple. On the curtain you will see a
symbol of a type: a flame for Fire, a droplet of water for Water and a leaf
for Grass. The intention is to step on the right circle. The right circle
is the one that has the symbol on it of the type that's strong against
the one on the curtain.

  Now the special thing about this gym is the Leader's Pokemon. It depends
on the type of your starter.


  After the battle you receive the Trio Gym Badge, TM81 and you can use HM01,
Cut, outside of battle.

  Exit the gym and Fennel will approach you. You'll follow her to her
house and she will give you HM01, Cut. How convenient! You can head back to
Route 2 to cut down that tree and get a Great Ball and a Super Potion.

  Now head to the right exit, to the...

Dreamyard, Pt.2

Note : If you haven't been here, scroll up to find the things you can do here.

  Run past the trainers and find the tree. Cut it and try to enter the
building. Bell will stop you and head in first. When you try to approach the
door, you'll hear a Pokemon's cry. Head inside and you'll find the Pokemon
you heard earlier. Bianca and you will approach it, but it runs off. When
approaching it again, Team Plasma pops up from behind the corner and they
will challenge you.

  No worries, it's not a double battle. After you beat them, Ghetsis appears.
And he and the grunts leave. After Fennel appears, the Pokemon leave as
well and they leave an item behind. Fennel takes that item along and runs
back to the city to her laboratory.

  Either explore some more or make your way back to the city to the laboratory
and talk to Fennel to get a C-Gear.

  You can now pass through to the west of the City to...

Route 3 

 A long and winding road with lots of ponds and tall grass

  Ahhh, Route 3. It brings you... The Daycare Center! Leave a Pokemon behind
and the Daycare Center raises it for you!

  Note: In the house next to the Daycare Center is a lady who will heal you
when you talk to her.

  When you approach the first patch of grass, Cheren will stop you and
challenge you to a duel.

  Finish this battle and Team Plasma comes running past you. After Cheren
runs after them, you have to follow him. You can't go south, so continue
west until you come across a cave. Talk to Cheren and follow him inside.

Wellspring Cave

This underwater pool grew from rainwater soaking into the ground
  Cheren has followed the two Plasma grunts into the cave. Guess what?

  That went rather well, didn't it? Exit the cave and return to the path
split. There you'll find Bianca and the kid. The kid gives you a Heal Ball
and they leave.

  You can now make your way through the southern part. For information on that
part, read the above section.

Nacrene City       

A city established in restored storehouses built 100 years ago
  Upon entering the city, Cheren will fig... just kidding, he will take you
to a building and give you an some berries.

  Touring around this city you will find many interesting houses. One of them
houses a merchant specialized in X Items. The merchant's house is the one
right of the Pokemon Center. Pricelist is as follows:

  Strolling further along the bottom road, we come across the westernmost
house with a girl. Talk to her, choose the first option and answer yes to
get a Miracle Seed.

  On the street parallell to that we find the Museum/Gym. Trying to enter it,
you'll get bumped back by N. Answer yes to his question and you'll be
challenged to a duel.

  Same as ever, if you've been training your Pokemon you'll beat him rather
easily. Enter the museum and a man will talk to himself and then to you.
He'll show you around and stand still in front of a big door: the entrance
to the gym.

HOW AWESOME IS THAT COACH GUY? Another Fresh Water! For free!

  As I do not understand any Japanese myself, here is what I did to advance:
Talk to the two persons standing on the ladders. Talk to the bookshelves
while standing on a ladder and answer "yes". Talk to the two persons reading
again. One of them will fight you if you say yes. Repeat steps.

  Beat the second trainer and a staircase is revealed.
  Watch out for her Miruhoggu if you're unprepared. It can deal some damage.

  When you beat her, you'll get your badge. Traded Pokemon up to level 30 will
obey you and TM67.

  After the formalities, a guy comes running in. Apparently there's something
happening outside! Aloe races out and you should follow her. When you get to
the Museum, there's a few Plasma grunts. They steal the fossil's head and
disappear. Aloe races out again and, once more, you should follow her. It
appears the grunts made a successful escape. Bianca and Cheren join the group
and Bianca gives you an Itemfinder. Bianca andCheren then run inside.

   The Itemfinder returns and it indicates what direction you should walk   with an arrow and two antennae. If you stand on a hidden item it will   
make a sound to notify you.                                              

  There's nothing more to do here, so continue westward, to...

Pinwheel Forest
  Head west and you'll see the man Aloe was talking to outside her gym.
Follow him west. If you beat the lady in pink, she'll heal your Pokemon
whenever you talk to her.

  Enter the forest and talk to the guy. When he leaves, take the path to the
west and find one Plasma grunt.

  Easy fight. Carry on to the west to find an other grunt.

  Keep heading west until you come across a fallen tree. Go through that tree
and continue the path. Eventually you will reach a fallen tree that you can
take to a higher level where a grunt is waiting.

  Go north from here, down through the tree. And follow the path until you
come across a tree that leads you north. Cross it and...

  Finally, the last of the grunts. He returns the skull and then a scene
unfolds with Aloe. You receive a Moon Stone as thanks from Aloe.

  Head east and return to the main road. Head north to exit the forest. Enter
the guard house and continue to...

Skyarrow  Bridge

  Follow the bridge and enjoy the scenery. Exit via the guard house.

Castelia City

  There's a man on the first dock who will give you a free evolution stone,
depending on your answer. See the table above.

  Enter the building with a green ledge above the door. A man should
approach you and talk to you. After he takes the elevator, you're free to
take it as well. F47 holds a few trainers to beat, a few items to get,
so make sure to check it out! On F55, there are also a few trainers to beat.
Make your way through F55 up to the director and battle him.

  Awesome. A nice item, good experience and some money! A sidetrip worth

  Now go to the western most alley. Try to enter the Gym. Cheren will come
outside and talk to you. He'll run off and the gym leader will follow him.
Going to the second dock from the east now triggers a scene with Bianca.
Follow that Plasma Grunt up north to the plaza with the fountain. Go to the
western road that leads south and you'll see the Leader standing there.
Follow him south and find him in front of a building on the left side of
the road talking to three grunts. Answer "yes" and...

  Easy as ever. After everyone ran inside, follow them to see a scene with
Team Plasma. You'll receive a berry and there will be an item where Team
Plasma was. Pick it up to get an _UNKNOWNBALLTHING_.

  That's all there is to do in this alley, so let's head to the alley east of
this one. When you pass the blue garbage containers a sound will play. A man
will talk to you and give you TM70. Enter the cafe to the right and talk to
the bartender to receive a free lemonade!

  Up to the next alley! Take the alley east of the Pokemon Center. Enter the
first building on the right and talk to the woman. She'll show you a picture
of a Zorua. Cross the street to the other building and talk to the young woman
sitting on a chair. She massages your Pokemon. Go in the elevator and ride it
to F11 to get TM44 from the Hiker.

  Now head north to the plaza. The vending mahines are here. Lemonades and
Soda Pops are a cheaper way to heal than with potions, so it's not a bad
idea to stock up on a few drinks.

  When you're done stocking up on drinks. Head north. On this road enter the
building on the right. The bald guy is the Name Rater. Ride the elevator to
F11 and talking to the scientist let's you enter two words. The use of this
is yet unknown. Exit the building and cross the street to enter the southern
building on the right side. Talk to the guy in front of the elevator, answer
"yes" and ride the elevator up to F47. The girl in the middle lower part of
the room will give you TM45. Exit the building and enter the one north of
this one. Talk to the man with the glasses and he'll give you _PURPLEBLOB_.

  There's also a small sidequest you can do. It involves beating three
dancers scattered throughout the town. After ebating the first one, answer
"yes" to his question. The battles are initialized by talking to the dancers
and answering "yes" to their question.

  1. Plaza
  2. Dock second from the west
  3. Alley directly north of #2
  After you beat all three of them, return to the plaza. Talk to the guys
and you'll receive an Amulet Coin!

  That's pretty much "all" you can do in this city. So head for the gym or
train a bit.
  A honeycomb style'd gym. Awesome. The intention is simple, you push
yourself through the wax/honey walls and push buttons to advance.

  Go north through the wax wall. And step on the button. Fight clown #1.
Step on the button right of Clown #1. Go through the wall above Clown #1.
Step on the rightmost button and the second from the left and the left one
to light up some gates. Step on the second button from the right to fight
Clown #2.

  Go through the wall above Clown #2 to stand on a button. Go back and head
left to go down the wall on the southside of this corridor. Step on the
button in this room to fight Clown #3.

  Go through the wall above Clown #3 and step on the button in this room.
Go back to Clown #3's room and exit through the north eastern wall. Keep
heading north through the wall that just opened up. There you'll find
Clown #4. Step on the button in this room, exit this room and go through
the wall to the right of the one you just went through. Your reward is TM76.

  Exit the gym and you'll receive a phone call from Bianca. Not sure if she
says this, but she will be in the guard house at the north exit. Luckily for
you she's in a battling mood.
  Bianca got stronger since our last fight, but it's nothing to worry about.
If you need to, heal up, if not, head out to...

Route 4
  Yeah, you thought Bianca was the only Rival you'd encounter now?
Guess again. Cheren is a bit up north on the asphalt.
  This might be a harder battle than it normally should be because of the
sandstorm. Luckily he doesn't really take advantage of this weather. After
the battle the Professor will call you and Cheren will run off.

  Time to check out the route. To the left there is a construction site with
some items and trainers. A house close to the road houses a man who will heal
your Pokemon.

  Heading north, you read an intersection. To the west there is Resort Desert
and up north you'll continue to the next town. You can now make a quick detour
for some Items and trainers. If you don't want to, continue north from the

  While the rest of us makes a quick detour to...

Resort Desert
  Beat the Medic to get a free healing spot. There is a lot to be done here.
Fight the trainers, find items and an excavation.

  To go to the excavation site, find a bunch of statues scattered on a hill.
Enter it via the ladder.

  There isn't much you can do at this point. Just find the two items and
battle some trainers for cash and experience. Go back to the intersection in
the desert and head north to...

Raimon City

  Upon entering the Guard House, you'll see Cheren and the Prof talking.
She'll give you a few Ultra Balls and carry on with her business. Enter the
town and see Team Plasma causing another ruckus.

  You get a BICYCLE! Oh, and Bianca shows up. No worries: no fighting today.

  Now for the tour of the town. The building to the left of the Pokemon
Center has online capacities, pick the third option and say "yes" if you
want to check it out.

  Continueing to explore the west side of town, enter the house north of
the Pokemon Center (the one near the water), talk to the blue haired girl
to get HM04. Go upstairs and talk to the old lady to get Soothe Bell.

  Cross the western bridge to the north and head to the west.

  Try to exit the City to the west and Bianca stops you and drags you along to
the Musical hall. You now have to dress up a Pokemon. It is more fun than it
sounds, trust me. Check our Musical Section for more information on musicals.
Talk to the girls to the right of the desk to get TM49. Exit the hall and
watch the scene.

  Head back west and enter the westernmost building. Step on the teleport
pad and arrive on a tennis field, here you'll find one trainer who gives 2500
Yen when defeated. Exit and head east.

  Enter the next building and stepo on the teleport pad. Like on the tennis
field, you'll find a trainer here. Exit after collecting your 2500 Yen and
head south form the Musical.

  Try to enter the big building and a girl will stop you and give you the
Battle Recorder. This building is the Battle Subway. You can't firght at this
point, so when you can, check out our Battle Subway section.

  Head east of the building through the gate with the lights. Where you will
meet N. He'll drag you onto the Ferris Wheel. When you get off you'll be
greeted by Plasma Grunts and it appears N is in cahoots with Plasma!

  He can be tough when you didn't prepare to face him, but all in all, you
shouldn't have too many problems facing this guy.

  The only thing that's left to do, is...

Gym 4

  Talk to the coach, he has Water. Go up and board the right shuttle. It
will take you to a platform. There'll find Trainer #1. After you beat her
step on the glowing tile and you'll see the path changing. Hop onto the
shuttle and let it take you to the next platform.

  There you'll find one more trainer (Trainer #2). After having dealt with
him, step on the glowing tile to call the shuttle. Hop in. But get pushed
out by Trainer #3. Beat him and hop in the shuttle. And follow the ride to
the next platform.

  Where you'll meet another glowing tile. If you don't know what to do know:
step on it and hop into the summoned shuttle. Let the dear lady get out of
the shuttle and battle her. And let it take you to the final platform.

  But not before taking you through a looping. Fun times.

  You receive the Badge and TM72 as a reward. Traded Pokemon will obey you
until level 50.

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